Flickr API is a Java / android API implementation to access the Flickr web services defined here. The API uses only the REST-JSON requests to have the minimum payload size (which is useful with android device which do not have a high speed network access).
We must exclude the base httpClient dependencies to use the android implementation.
dependencies {
compile ('com.github.fabienbarbero:flickr-api:1.2') {
exclude group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents', module: 'httpclient'
compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient-android:'
The calls to Flickr are quiet easy:
Flickr flickr = new Flickr("my.api.key", "my.api.secret", "http://localhost/callback", "read", new File("flickr.conf"));
// Check if a user is already logged
if(!flickr.isFirstStart()) {
// Get the authorization URL to allow the application to use the Flickr services
String url = flickr.getAuthorizationUrl();
// Show the previous URL in a browser
// Verify the token
String verifier = ...;
String token = ...;
flickr.verifyToken(verifier, token);
// Authenticate the user
UserInfo user = flickr.getUser();
// Use the services
Paginated<Photo> photos = flickr.getPhotosService().getRecentlyUpdated(50, 0);
The library do not supports all Flickr features. Here are the supported :
- get the users contacts
- get the cameras brand list
- get the favorites photos of users
- get the users galleries
- get the groups and their photos
- get the people (search user, get users informations ...)
- get the photos and the sets
- get the statistics on photos, set ...
- upload new photos