A new way to discover, review & share movies that pass the Bechdel Test and go beyond...
This simple test, also known as the Bechdel-Wallace test, was created by the cartoonist Alison Bechdel and her friend Liz Wallace. It is a measure of the representation of women in fiction.
A movie passes when:
- The movie has to have at least two women in it
- who talk to each other
- about something other than a man.
The Bechdel Test is a useful but limited tool as it doesn't tell the whole story. The beyond part of our review asks the user to think about other criteria such as:
- How many women are in the cast/crew?
- What percentage of the dialogue do they speak?
- Do they drive their choices?
Our project uses multiple API's but we wanted to build on their limitations:
- One of our core features is to give users the ability to share their own opinion on the gender representation in film.
- Beyond is our way of elabourating on the existing Bechdel rating.
- From these ideas we provide a web service in which users can find films that dont portray a frustrating gender imbalance, both on and off camera.
- Clone this repo
- Run
npm i
- Start the server with
npm start
- Run tests with
npm test
- Run cypress tests with
(server must be running at the same time)
- React
- Jest
- CodeCov
- Travis
- Cypress to test user journeys
You can find the backend API for this app here
- The Movie DB API was used to get a list of films. Search was done by year and 1997 was selected since Titanic was always comming up in our search for APIs to use.
- The Movie Open Database was used to get film details for a given film title
- The Movie DB API was used again to get cast and crew information for a given film id (provided by the first query)
- Bechdel Test Movie List was used to get Bechdel test reviews for a given film title
With more time we would:
- Add a user page - user can edit their details, see all their reviews and edit/delete them
- Filter function so users can filter by gender ratio/ director's gender etc.
- Add playlist feature - user can create playlists of movies they like and view playlists created by other users
- Use infographics to display the gender parity data
- User testing with the final product
Built by:
Planning was done on Notion and Miro. Prototyping was done on Figma