SoLoader is a native code loader for Android. It takes care of unpacking your native libraries and recursively loads dependencies on Android API 23 and earlier, since those old OS versions do not support all of that functionality out of box.
SoLoader is useful for applications running on Android API 23 and earlier. SoLoader should not be used on Android API 24 and above unless the app is delivered as Exopackage, requires Android Native Library Merging or uses Superpack compression.
You can use prebuilt aars
or fetch SoLoader from Maven repository by adding the following to your
implementation 'com.facebook.soloader:soloader:0.12.0+'
To build SoLoader from source you'll need Buck. Once you have Buck installed execute following commands from the project root directory:
buck fetch //...
buck build :soloader
The build command generates buck-out/gen/soloader.aar
Please use our issues page to let us know of any problems. See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.
SoLoader is Apache-2.0-licensed.