Private-ID is a collection of algorithms to match records between two or parties, while preserving the privacy of these records. We present multiple algorithms to do this---one of which does an outer join between parties, and others do inner or left join and then generate additive shares that can then be input to a Multi Party Compute system like CrypTen. Please refer to our paper for more details. The MultiKey Private-ID paper and the Delegated Private-ID paper extend Private-ID.
Private-ID is implemented in Rust to take advantage of the language's security features and to leverage the encryption libraries that we depend on. It should compile with the nightly Rust toolchain.
The following should build and run the unit tests for the building blocks used by the protocols
cargo build --release
cargo test --release
Each protocol involves two (or more) parties and they have to be run in their own shell environment. We call one party Company and another party Partner. Some protocols also involve additional parties such as the Helper and the Shuffler.
Run the script at etc/example/ to generate dummy_certs directory if you want to test protocol with TLS on local.
The following, run each party in a different container:
- Private-ID:
docker compose --profile private-id up
- Delegated Private Matching for Compute (DPMC):
docker compose --profile dpmc up
- Delegated Private Matching for Compute with Secure Shuffling (DSPMC):
docker compose --profile dspmc up
By default, this will create datasets of 10 items each. To run with bigger datasets set the ENV_VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE
environment variable. For example: ENV_VARIABLE_FOR_SIZE=100 docker compose --profile dpmc up
will run DPMC with datasets of 100 items each.
This protocol maps the email addresses from both parties to a single ID spine, so that same e-mail addresses map to the same key.
To run Company:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin private-id-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/email_company.csv \
--stdout \
To run Partner:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin private-id-client -- \
--company localhost:10009 \
--input etc/example/email_partner.csv \
--stdout \
We extend the Private-ID protocol to match multiple identifiers. Please refer to our paper for more details.
To run Company:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin private-id-multi-key-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/private_id_multi_key/Ex1_company.csv \
--stdout \
To run Partner:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin private-id-multi-key-client -- \
--company localhost:10009 \
--input etc/example/private_id_multi_key/Ex1_partner.csv \
--stdout \
This protocol does an inner join based on email addresses as keys and then generates additive share of a feature associated with that email address. The shares are generated in the designated output files as 64-bit numbers
To run Company:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin cross-psi-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/input_company.csv \
--output etc/example/output_company.csv \
To run Partner:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin cross-psi-client -- \
--company localhost:10010 \
--input etc/example/input_partner.csv \
--output etc/example/output_partner.csv \
This protocol does an inner join based on email addresses as keys and then generates XOR share of a feature associated with that email address. The shares are generated in the designated output files as 64-bit numbers
To run Company:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin cross-psi-xor-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/cross_psi_xor/input_company.csv \
--output etc/example/cross_psi_xor/output_company \
To run Partner:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin cross-psi-xor-client -- \
--company localhost:10010 \
--input etc/example/cross_psi_xor/input_partner.csv \
--output etc/example/cross_psi_xor/output_partner \
The --output
option provides prefix for the output files that contain the shares. In this case, Company generates two files; output_company_company_feature.csv
and output_company_partner_feature.csv
. They contain Company's share of company and parter features respectively. Similarly Partner generates two files; output_partner_company_feature.csv
and output_partner_partner_feature.csv
. They contain Partner's share of company and partner features respectively.
Thus output_company_company_feature.csv
and output_partner_company_feature.csv
are XOR shares of Company's features. Similarly, output_partner_company_feature.csv
and output_partner_partner_feature.csv
are XOR shares of Partner's features.
This is an implementation of Google's Private Join and Compute protocol, that does a inner join based on email addresses and computes a sum of the corresponding feature for the Partner.
To run Company:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin pjc-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/pjc_company.csv \
--stdout \
To run Partner:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin pjc-client -- \
--company localhost:10011 \
--input etc/example/pjc_partner.csv \
--stdout \
This is an implmentation of 2-party version of Secure Universal ID protocol. This can work on multiple keys. In the current implementation, the merger party also assumes the role of one data party and the sharer party assumes the role of all the other data parties. The data parties are the .csv
files show below
To run merger:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin suid-create-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/suid/Example1/DataParty2_input.csv \
--stdout \
To run client:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin suid-create-client -- \
--merger localhost:10010 \
--input etc/example/suid/Example1/DataParty1_input.csv \
--input etc/example/suid/Example1/DataParty3_input.csv \
--stdout \
The output will be ElGamal encrypted Universal IDs assigned to each entry in the .csv
We extend the Multi-key Private-ID protocol to multiple partners. Please refer to our paper for more details.
To run Company:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-company-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_company.csv \
--stdout \
--output-shares-path etc/example/dpmc/output_company \
To run multiple partners (servers):
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-partner-server -- \
--host \
--company localhost:10010 \
--input-keys etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_1.csv \
--input-features etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_1_features.csv \
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-partner-server -- \
--host \
--company localhost:10010 \
--input-keys etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_2.csv \
--input-features etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_2_features.csv \
Start helper (client):
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-helper -- \
--company localhost:10010 \
--partners localhost:10020,localhost:10021 \
--stdout \
--output-shares-path etc/example/dpmc/output_partner \
The above will generate one-to-one matches. To enable one-to-many matches (one
record from C will match to M
P records), use the flag --one-to-many M
in the
binary, where M
is the number of matches.
For example, using the same scripts as above for company and partners, to run
matching, start the helper as follows:
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-helper -- \
--company localhost:10010 \
--partners localhost:10020,localhost:10021 \
--one-to-many 2 \
--stdout \
--output-shares-path etc/example/dpmc/output_partner \
Start helper (server):
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dspmc-helper-server -- \
--host \
--stdout \
--output-shares-path etc/example/dspmc/output_helper \
Start company (server):
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dspmc-company-server -- \
--host \
--helper localhost:10030 \
--input etc/example/dspmc/Ex0_company.csv \
--stdout \
--output-shares-path etc/example/dspmc/output_company \
Start multiple partners (servers):
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dspmc-partner-server -- \
--host \
--company localhost:10010 \
--input-keys etc/example/dspmc/Ex0_partner_1.csv \
--input-features etc/example/dspmc/Ex0_partner_1_features.csv \
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dspmc-partner-server -- \
--host \
--company localhost:10010 \
--input-keys etc/example/dspmc/Ex0_partner_2.csv \
--input-features etc/example/dspmc/Ex0_partner_2_features.csv \
Start Shuffler (client):
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dspmc-shuffler -- \
--company localhost:10010 \
--helper localhost:10030 \
--partners localhost:10020,localhost:10021 \
--stdout \
To run over the network instead of localhost prepend the IP address with http://
or https://
. For example:
To run Company (in IP
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-company-server -- \
--host \
--input etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_company.csv \
--stdout \
--output-shares-path etc/example/dpmc/output_company \
To run multiple partners (servers) (in IPs
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-partner-server -- \
--host \
--company \
--input-keys etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_1.csv \
--input-features etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_1_features.csv \
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-partner-server -- \
--host \
--company \
--input-keys etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_2.csv \
--input-features etc/example/dpmc/Ex0_partner_2_features.csv \
Start helper (client):
env RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release --bin dpmc-helper -- \
--company \
--partners, \
--stdout \
--output-shares-path etc/example/dpmc/output_partner \
To cite Private-ID in academic papers, please use the following BibTeX entries.
author = "Dimitris Mouris and
Daniel Masny and
Ni Trieu and
Shubho Sengupta and
Prasad Buddhavarapu and
Benjamin M Case",
title = "{Delegated Private Matching for Compute}",
volume = 2024,
month = Jul,
year = 2024,
journal = "{Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies}",
number = 2,
pages = "1--24",
author = "Prasad Buddhavarapu and
Benjamin M Case and
Logan Gore and
Andrew Knox and
Payman Mohassel and
Shubho Sengupta and
Erik Taubeneck and
Min Xue",
title = "Multi-key Private Matching for Compute",
year = 2021,
howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2021/770",
note = "\url{}",
author = "Prasad Buddhavarapu and
Andrew Knox and
Payman Mohassel and
Shubho Sengupta and
Erik Taubeneck and
Vlad Vlaskin",
title = "Private Matching for Compute",
year = 2020,
howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2020/599",
note = "\url{}",
Private-ID is Apache 2.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.