1192 commits
to development
since this release
9.4.8 (2021-07-14)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- config: update auras
- misc: make MawBuffsFrame moveable
- combat: update sound alert
support interrupt, dispel, spell steal, spell miss, low health, low mana - theme: minor tweaks
- tooltip: split item info and id
- tooltip: combine talent and ilvl into one line
- tooltip: show rank of domination shards
- theme: minor tweaks
- map: cleanup
- add a new sound effect
- tooltip: cleanup
- chat: cleanup
- lib: add LibShowUIPanel-1.0
- tooltip: show currencies cap
- cooldown: minor tweak (fix #103)
- tooltip: add mount source info
- GUI: add option for new currency block
- infobar: add currencies block
- theme: minor tweak
- tooltip: show currency id