An open source gadget for SpiderBasic language that provides drag’n’drop file uploads.
This gadget uses the JavaScript dropzone.js
Result = UploadGadget(Gadget, x, y, Width, Height, Prompt$, Pattern$="", CallBack=#False, MaxFiles=1, MaxFilesSize=2)
Create a Upload gadget. This gadget provides drag’n’drop file uploads.
An element is added on the DropZone.
A file is being transferred to the server.
An error has just occurred. (Error type of file, file too big, etc...)
Transfer completed.
Number of files transferred simultaneously exceeding the allowed limit (MaxFiles).
When creating your web application, it is important to enter an application name followed by the .php extension.
Example: yourapp.php
Copy the upload.php script to the installation folder of your web application.
Copy the dropzone.js script to the installation folder of your web application.
IncludeFile ""
Declare OnUpload(Event.i, FileName.s, Size.i, Message.s)
UseModule DropZone
OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 440, 250, "Demo", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
UploadGadget(0, 20, 20, 400, 200, "Drag your image file to this area", "*.png,*.jpg", @onUpload(), 1, 1)
; UpLoadGadget() events
Procedure OnUpload(Event.i, FileName.s, Size.i, Message.s)
Select Event
Case #DZ_EventType_Add
Debug FileName + " (" + Str(Size) + ") Add"
Case #DZ_EventType_Progress
Debug FileName + " Upload Progress " + Message + "%"
Case #DZ_EventType_Success
Debug FileName + " End of processing"
Case #DZ_EventType_Error
Debug FileName + " Error " + Message
Case #DZ_EventType_Maxfilesexceeded
Debug FileName + " Error " + Message