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NFC Reader Ethernet Communication Spec

Lance Hudson edited this page Jan 28, 2015 · 5 revisions

NFC Reader Ethernet Communication Spec

UDP packet definitions from Reader

Card Read

Sent when a NFC card is read

| Reader ID (8 bits) | Card UID (56 bits) |

A full IP4 UDP packet is

Offsets Octet 0 1 2 3
0 0 Source IPv4 Address
4 32 Destination IPv4 Address
8 64 Zeroes Protocol UDP Length
12 96 Source Port Destination Port
16 128 Length Checksum
24 160 Reader ID Card UID
32 192 Card UID


Offsets Octet 0 1 2 3
0 0 192 168 255 110
4 32 192 168 255 50
8 64 0 17 48
12 96 50000 3000
16 128 16 0
24 160 10 AC 6A CE
32 192 23 F5 34 AD


This is used to monitor that the reader and its network connection are working. It can also be used to detect power on or reset.

It is expected that a heartbeat is sent at least every 2 minutes and the reader will be considered offline if one is not recieved within 5 minutes.

| Reader ID (8 bits) | Status (8 bits) | Uptime (32 bits) |

Status is defined as a single byte with each true bit representing a status.

Bit Status
1 Ready to Scan Card
2 Accept Animation Running
3 Reject Animation Running
4 Pending Animation Running
5 Identify Animation Running
6 Reset Command Running
7 Reserved
8 Reserved

Uptime is a 32 bit number indicating the uptime of the reading in microseconds, will roll over about every 51 days.

UDP packet definitions to Reader


This is used to send a command to the ardunio.

| Status (8 bits) |

Status is defined as a single byte with each true bit representing a status.

Bit Status
1 Clear (Be Ready to scan a card)
2 Play Accept Animation
3 Play Reject Animation
4 Play Pending Animation
5 Play Identify Animation
6 Reset
7 Reserved
8 Reserved