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Dynamic Settings

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Dynamic Settings is a Laravel / Livewire package that allows you to manage custom settings of your application dynamically.

Let's say you have several notifications to different mailing lists, but you would like to be able to change whether they are sent or not, or which email they are sent to without having to modify the code or the env file.

This is where Dynamic Settings comes in.

You can make any number of configurations, grouped and associated with each other, and then use their values ​​in the code. This way when sending an email, for example, $to will be DynSettings::get('admin.mail') and not "[email protected]".


  • Laravel 10/11

Optionals requirements

(*) Livewire 3 is required only for the component to manage the settings. You can always ignore that and make your own.

(**) As said before, WireUI is a great package for those components, we included a normal view and a WireUI view, they set up automatically base on your app.


composer require fantismic/dynamic-settings

After you install you need to publish the migration file...

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fantismic\\DynSettings\\Providers\\DynSettingsProvider" --tag="migrations"

...and run the migration.

php artisan migrate

That's it. You are ready to go!


You can publish the configuration file to customize behavior, such as full page component mode or preferred blade.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fantismic\\DynSettings\\Providers\\DynSettingsProvider" --tag="config"

Using the built in component

Component mode

We provide a livewire component for manage the settings. You just need to include it like any other componenet wherever you want it.

<livewire:DynamicSettings /> 

Fullpage mode

You can set the component to render in fullpage in the config file. If you do, you should add the route in your routes/web.php

use Fantismic\DynSettings\Livewire\DynamicSettingsComponent;



We provide one or two methods in the facade.

use Fantismic\DynSettings\Facades\DynSettings;

Lets say you have these keys:


Getting data

Setting / Updating data

Using the settings

Get all settings

DynSettings::all(): (array)

> DynSettings::all()
= [
      "id" => 1,
      "key" => "notifications.send",
      "value" => "true",
      "type" => "bool",
      "name" => "Send email notifications",
      "description" => "Check this item in order to active all notifications.",
      "group" => "Notifications",
      "associate_with" => "General",
      "id" => 2,
      "key" => "notifications.alwayscc.send",
      "value" => "true",
      "type" => "bool",
      "name" => "Send always CC",
      "description" => "Add to all emails a carbon copy",
      "group" => "Notifications",
      "associate_with" => "Always CC",
      "id" => 3,
      "key" => "notifications.alwayscc.emails",
      "value" => "["[email protected]","[email protected]"]",
      "type" => "array",
      "name" => "CC email list",
      "description" => "List of emails that should recibe a copy for every send mail",
      "group" => "Notifications",
      "associate_with" => "Always CC",


Get all settings as array

DynSettings::getArray(): (array)

> DynSettings::getArray()
= [
    "notifications" => [
      "send" => true,
      "alwayscc" => [
        "send" => true,
        "emails" => [
          "[email protected]",
          "[email protected]",

Get all settings as object

DynSettings::getObject(): (object)

> DynSettings::getObject()
= {#1
    +"notifications": {#2
      +"send": true,
      +"alwayscc": {#3
        +"send": true,
        +"emails": [
          "[email protected]",
          "[email protected]",

Get all settings as dotted array

DynSettings::getDot(): (array)

> DynSettings::getDot()
= [
    "notifications.send" => true,
    "notifications.alwayscc.send" => true,
    "notifications.alwayscc.emails" => [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",

Get setting value

DynSettings::get( (string) $key): (mixed)

> DynSettings::get('notifications.alwayscc.send')
= true


> DynSettings::get('notifications.alwayscc.emails')
= [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",

Get setting data

DynSettings::getKeyData( (string) $key): (array)

> DynSettings::getKeyData('notifications.alwayscc.send')
= {#5459
    +"id": 2,
    +"key": "notifications.alwayscc.send",
    +"value": "true",
    +"type": "bool",
    +"name": "Send always CC",
    +"description": "Add to all emails a carbon copy",
    +"group": "Notifications",
    +"associate_with": "Always CC",

Get setting model

DynSettings::getModel( (string) $key): (Eloquent Model)

> DynSettings::getModel('notifications.alwayscc.send')
= Fantismic\DynSettings\Models\DynamicSettings {#
    id: 2,
    key: "notifications.alwayscc.send",
    value: "true",
    type: "bool",
    name: "Send always CC",
    description: "Add to all emails a carbon copy",
    group: "Notifications",
    associate_with: "Always CC",


Get all groups

DynSettings::getGroups(): (array)

> DynSettings::getGroups()
= [

Get associations by group

DynSettings::getAssocs( (string) $group): (array)

> DynSettings::getAssocs("Notifications")
= [
    "Always CC",

Get settings by group

DynSettings::getByGroup( (string) $group): (array)

> DynSettings::getByGroup("Notifications")
= [
      "id" => 1,
      "key" => "notifications.send",
      "value" => "true",
      "type" => "bool",
      "name" => "Send email notifications",
      "description" => "Check this item in order to active all notifications.",
      "group" => "Notifications",
      "associate_with" => "General",
      "id" => 2,
      "key" => "notifications.alwayscc.send",
      "value" => "false",
      "type" => "bool",
      "name" => "Send always CC",
      "description" => "Add to all emails a carbon copy",
      "group" => "Notifications",
      "associate_with" => "Always CC",
      "id" => 3,
      "key" => "notifications.alwayscc.emails",
      "value" => "["[email protected]","[email protected]"]",
      "type" => "array",
      "name" => "CC email list",
      "description" => "List of emails that should recibe a copy for every send mail",
      "group" => "Notifications",
      "associate_with" => "Always CC",


Setting / Updating data

Set a value

DynSettings::set( (string) $group, (mixed) $value): (bool)

> DynSettings::set('notifications.alwayscc.send',false)
= true

Update groupname

DynSettings::updateName( (string) $key, (string) $newName): (bool)

> DynSettings::updateName('notifications.alwayscc.send','Always send carbon copy')
= true

Update description

DynSettings::updateDescription( (string) $key, (string) $newDescription): (bool)

> DynSettings::updateDescription('notifications.alwayscc.send','Set CC on every outgoing mail')
= true

Update association

DynSettings::updateAssoc( (string) $key, (string) $newAssoc): (bool)

> DynSettings::updateAssoc('notifications.alwayscc.send','CC')
= true

Delete setting

DynSettings::delete( (int) $id)**: (bool)

> DynSettings::delete(3)
= true

Delete setting by key

DynSettings::deleteByKey( (string) $key)**: (bool)

> DynSettings::deleteByKey('notifications.alwayscc.send')
= true

Update groupname

DynSettings::updateGroupName( (string) $oldName, (string) $newName): (bool)

> DynSettings::updateGroupName("Notifications", "Mailing")
= true

Using the settings

Comparing setting

DynSettings::is( (string) $key, (mixed) $value): (bool)

> DynSettings::is('notifications.alwayscc.send', false)
= true

Boolean comparition

DynSettings::should( (string) $key): (bool)

> DynSettings::should('notifications.alwayscc.send')
= false

Array search

DynSettings::has( (string) $key, (array) $value, [(bool) strict = false]): (bool)

> DynSettings::has('', '[email protected]')
= true

> DynSettings::has('', '[email protected]')
= false

> DynSettings::has('', '[email protected]', false)
= true

> DynSettings::has('', '[email protected]')
= false

Image description


No description, website, or topics provided.







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