7693387 Add "role" field to "kafkactl get brokers"
d0a4876 Add GitHub action to run unit tests
70059bc Add badges to
cd43190 Add consume command
9e6b5d3 Add create topic command
6b5ab91 Add delete topic command
eef94bb Add docker-compose file for testing
0cb7ef4 Add first get commands
781cac7 Add get config command
67bc529 Add get consumer command
0cace53 Add go-releaser config
e836469 Add more usage and installation documentation
d5bad67 Add produce command
754c164 Add update topic command
64c7a94 Cleanup "kafkactl create topic" command
2c73bf7 Cleanup kafkactl config and remove DefaultConfig
9626b6c Complete with license, changelog, code of conduct etc...
f704295 Connect to multiple partitions concurrently to speedup kafkatcl consume
d148ae1 Create command skaffold and add config and context command
119b633 Delete .idea directory
36a0221 Finish moving sub commands into individual packages
5809179 Fix bug in context command after refactoring
a4cb0ac Fix bug in passing on partitions when fetching offsets
a373dd6 Fix error handling in produce command
6304ae6 Fix folder name for GitHub Action workflow
6aea1ff Fix link to releases page
04898b7 Implement consuming from multiple partitions
c3a00c7 Implement consuming messages in a consumer group
e05fbc5 Implement get message command
77ae641 Implement kafkactl replay command
19001cb Implement more config commands
4fba1fc Implement replaying individual offsets for a single partition
91c8e70 Implement replaying messages from different partitions
01dc708 Implement replaying using an offsets file
f03956e Improve get topic command
bf5f959 Improve help message of get brokers
9cdc174 Improve help output
0d577f3 Improve output of "kafkactl get consumers"
50f8768 Improve output of "kafkactl get topics"
b1ec891 Let all commands follow a consistent programming style
960c44d Make JSON output encoding style consistent
ad1db64 Move FetchMessage function into pkg
a29f7bf Organize commands into groups
0842cf1 Renaming to make new sub command code structure work better
a7cefcb Reorganize code
629316e Simplify default sarama configuration
d565aac Start writing a
77d7b2f Write a few words about alternative kafkactls
You can’t perform that action at this time.