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L0FKA edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 5 revisions

Tricks with .bat files

If you want to alter the default settings for the conversion process or do some more complex conversions (e.g. convert all the psarc in a given directory), then you can use .bat files to do the job for you.

Setting alternate default values

If you want to change the default settings, e.g. specify a default output directory or change the output to gpx format, you can create a simple .bat file. For example, in the directory where the RocksmithToTab.exe resides, create a new file and call it RS2Tab.bat. Then right-click and choose edit on the file and enter the following content:

C:\Path\To\RocksmithToTab\RocksmithToTab.exe -o E:\guitar_tabs -f gpx %*

Obviously, change the path to the RocksmithToTab.exe and also any option you want to set. The above example would produce gpx files in a directory E:\guitar_tabs. Now, you can use the RS2Tab.bat file to convert any psarc you want. So instead of RocksmithToTab.exe \path\to\songs.psarc, you would now call RS2Tab.bat \path\to\songs.psarc, and it will honor the options you set in the .bat file.

Batch-convert all .psarc files in a directory

If you want to batch-convert all psarc in a certain directory (for example, the Rocksmith2014\dlc folder), you can use a .bat file of the following form. Name it e.g. BatchConvert.bat and enter the content:

for /r "%1" %%f IN (*.psarc) do (
  RocksmithToTab.exe -o e:\guitar_tabs %%f

You can edit the options to RocksmithToTab.exe to your heart's content, the -o option is just an example. Then, you can call this batch conversion like this:

BatchConvert.bat \Path\To\Rocksmith2014\dlc

Then watch the magic happen.

For those of us, who don't want to use the command call: Alternatively, you can paste the following code into your BatchConvert.bat and edit the paths. When you double-click the file, it will convert all DLCs as well as official songs into your target folder.

title RocksmithToTab Batch-Convert

REM Dear user, please define your paths:
set RS_PATH=D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Rocksmith2014
set GP5_PATH="D:\GP5 Sammlung"

REM This will convert all files in the DLC folder:
for /r %RS_PATH%\dlc %%f IN (*.psarc) do (
  RocksmithToTab.exe -o %GP5_PATH% %%f

REM This will convert the retail songs:
RocksmithToTab.exe %RS_PATH%\songs.psarc -o %GP5_PATH%

For those who wanna use it per file option (put it in RocksmithToTab.exe folder):

title RocksmithToTab Batch-Convert 2

REM Define your paths:
set RS_PATH=%1
set GP5_PATH="%~dp1\"
set RS2TAB=%~dp0
set FORMAT=gp5

REM Convert retail songs:
if "%~x1"==".xml" (
    %RS2TAB%\RocksmithToTab.exe %RS_PATH% -o "GP5_PATH% -f %FORMAT% -x
) else (
    %RS2TAB%\RocksmithToTab.exe %RS_PATH% -o %GP5_PATH% -f %FORMAT%

Note: You may see a few error messages. This is due to the Mac versions of your DLC, which this program version cannot convert. You can ignore these errors.