provides an easy way to persist and retrieve Codable
structs for Swift applications!
Everything you'll need is inside the CodableDataStore
class. Let's grab an instance:
import CodableDataStore
// ...
let codableDataStore = CodableDataStore() // Defaults to using UserDefaults
From here, all basic CRUD operations are supported:
let myCodable = MyCodable(name: "fire-at-will", favoriteNumber: 64)
let myID = "qwerty"
do {
// Create
try codableDataStore.create(withID: myID, codable: myCodable)
// Read
let codableFromDataStore: MyCodable? = try myID)
// Update
let updatedCodable = MyCodable(name: "updated!", favoriteNumber: 777)
// Throws if there is no existing codable with the ID myID.
try codableDataStoreEngine.update(codableWithID: myID, withCodable: updatedCodable)
// Inserts if there is no existing codable with the ID myID.
try codableDataStoreEngine.updateOrCreate(codableWithID: myID, withCodable: updatedCodable)
// Delete
try codableDataStoreEngine.delete(codableWithID: myID)
} catch {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
By default, CodableDataStore stores data in UserDefaults. This isn't ideal for any use case where you might be handling sensitive information.
For these cases, you may implement your own CodableDataStoreEngine
class which handles the CRUD operations for a given data store. Once your implementation is complete, pass it to the CodableDataStore
class to use it:
let customDataStoreEngine = MyEngine()
let codableDataStore = CodableDataStore(engine: customDataStoreEngine)
To simplify testing CodableDataStoreEngine
classes, a CodableDataStoreEngineBaseTest
class has been provided which will test any class to the CodableDataStoreEngine
protocol. To use the class, create a new testing class that extends from CodableDataStoreEngineBaseTest
and provide your custom CodableDataStoreEngine
object in the setUp
function, as demonstrated below:
import XCTest
@testable import CodableDataStore
class CodableDataStoreEngineUserDefaultsTests: CodableDataStoreEngineBaseTest {
private var userDefaults: UserDefaults!
// Provide the CodableDataStoreEngineBaseTest class with an engine to test
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: #file)
userDefaults.removePersistentDomain(forName: #file)
for key in userDefaults.dictionaryRepresentation().keys {
userDefaults.removeObject(forKey: key)
codableDataStoreEngine = CodableDataStoreEngineUserDefaults(userDefaults: userDefaults)
Once that has been done, your custom data store will be tested to the CodableDataStoreEngine