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Firedrake meeting 2020 05 12

ksagiyam edited this page May 12, 2020 · 7 revisions

Date and time 2020-05-12 15:00UTC (16:00BST)

Action Items

  1. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  2. KS, (DH, LM): Document describing what we think the mixed domain interface should look like (and hence what is needed in UFL, and whether it matches the existing fenics efforts).
  3. DRS: Open PR for stream plot See PR #1670. Review required
  4. JB: Add mechanism for python3.8 Someone: test this.
  5. DH: Find time to fix to get final complex sprint test passing.
  6. ALL: Someone to look at TSFC merge needed as part of complex sprint. Miklos approved.
  7. DH: Find time to sort out Jenkins to run in real and complex mode.
  8. LM: Add any action items that may have been accidentally removed.


Present: David Ham, Lawrence Mitchell, Colin Cotter, Daniel R. Shapero, Jack Betteridge, Koki Sagiyama, Nacime Bouziani, Paul Kelly, Reuben Hill, Robert Kirby, Sophia Vorderwuelbecke, Tom Gregory


Animation in Notebook

DRS: Put animation in notebook (Burger's equation)


Jenkins: working in real/complex modes. Hoping to get the following working:

  • complex docker container
  • pyadjoint in parallel

loopy: LM fixed conflicts when back merging, but many things are broken. -> cherry pick type changes?

Other branches: ufl: merged tsfc: good to go PyOP2: straightforward

All: If you want your branch tested on Jenkins, use "Draft Pull Request" feature on Github.

NB: Pointwise operators PRs

Plan: Merge PyOP2 and tsfc first, and, while waiting for ufl to be merged in FEniCS/ufl, review firedrake branch.

NB: Make a PR in FEniCS/ufl

DRS: Update on checkpointing

Desirable to be able to save multiple meshes (and associated data) PETSc currently designs namespace etc. following convention of standard visualisation tools.

DRS: Wait for some more PETSc development

LM: Replacement for expressions compiler

Expression assinment. Assignment to mixed functions is required, e.g., for RK time integration. LM explained four assignment types, L=R. For mixed function assignment, we need a kernel for each set in the mixed set.

Comments on caching: Firedrake caches for:

  • assembly
  • interpolation (with Interpolator object)
  • pointwise assignement

Three types of caching:

  1. on disk (very slow)
  2. in memory (slow)
  3. on the form

For large time dependent problems, this must be done efficiently.

KS: ufl.Filtered -> ufl.Transformed

PR created:

KS: Add documentation to ufl/doc.

Date of next meeting

2020-05-19 15:00UTC (16:00BST)


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