A language server protocol client for the vis
currently supports:
Everything else.
To my knowledge there is currently no good way to detect file changes via the Lua API. But this is essential to support Text Synchronization which is required by the LSP protocol.
A dirty workaround we currently use is to send the whole file content in a textDocument/didChange
method call before calling any other method.
If someone can come up with an idea how to solve this I would appreciate contributions.
Communicating with language-servers via other channels than stdin/stdout.
Currently, only a handful of language servers are configured by default.
Their configuration can be found in supported_servers.lua
must offer thecommunicate
Lua API- The API included in
>= 0.9 is supported on the main branch - For legacy support using the first API draft patches use the v0.2.x branch
- The API included in
- The language server you want to use. Microsoft's list of implementations
- Optional: the JSON implementation of your choice
- must provide
methods vis-lspc
tries to find a suitable JSON implementation using those candidates:json
- bundled fallback (no utf8 support)
- must provide
- Clone this repository into your
plugins directory - Load the plugin in your
Alternatively, a plugin manager like vis-plug can be used to install vis-lspc
provides some default key bindings:
Normal mode:
<F2> - start a language server for win.syntax
<F3> - open win.file with a running language server
<C-]> | <gd> - jump to the definition of the symbol under the main cursor
<gD> - jump to declaration
<gd> - jump to definition
<gi> - jump to implementation
<gr> - show references
< D> - jump to type definition
<C-t> - go back in the jump history
< e> - show diagnostics of current line
<K> - hover over current position
Normal and Insert mode:
<C- > - get completions
# language-server management:
lspc-start-server [syntax] - start a language server for syntax or win.syntax
lspc-stop-server [syntax] - stop the language server for syntax or win.syntax
# file registration:
lspc-open - register the file in the current window
lspc-close - unregister the file in the current window
# navigation commands (they all operate on the symbol under the main cursor):
lspc-completion - syntax completion
lspc-references [e | vsplit | hsplit] - select and open a reference
lspc-declaration [e | vsplit | hsplit] - select and open a declaration
lspc-definition [e | vsplit | hsplit] - open the definition
lspc-typeDeclaration [e | vsplit | hsplit] - select and open a type declaration
lspc-implementation [e | vsplit | hsplit] - I actually have no idea what this does
lspc-back - navigate back in the goto history
# workspace edits
lspc-rename <new name> - rename the identifier under the cursor to <new name>
lspc-format - format the file in the current window
# development support
lspc-hover - hover over the current line
lspc-show-diagnostics - show the available diagnostics of the current line
lspc-next-diagnostic - jump to the next available diagnostic
lspc-prev-diagnostic - jump to the previous available diagnostic
The module table returned by require('plugins/vis-lspc')
can be used to configure
some aspects of vis-lspc
Available options are:
name = 'vis-lspc'
- the namevis-lspc
introduces itself to a language serverlogging = false
- enable logging only useful for debuggingvis-lspc
log_file = nil
- nil, filename or function returning a filename- If
will create a new file in$XDG_DATA_HOME/vis-lspc
- If
autostart = true
- try to start a language server in WIN_OPENmenu_cmd = 'fzf' or 'vis-menu'
- program to prompt for user choicesconfirm_cmd = 'vis-menu'
- program to prompt for user confirmationls_map
- a table mappingvis
syntax names to language server configurationshighlight_diagnostics = 'line'
- highlight therange
number of available diagnosticsdiagnostic_style_id = nil
- vis style id used to highlight diagnostics, win.STYLE_LEXER_MAX is used by defaultdiagnostic_styles = { error = 'back:red', warning = 'back:yellow', information = 'back:yellow', hint = 'back:yellow', }
- styles used to highlight different diagnosticsworkspace_edit_remember_cursor = true
- restore the primary cursor position after a workspaceEditmessage_level = 3
- the level of shown messages retrieved viawindow/showMessage
notificationsshow_message = 'message'
- how to present information.'message'
: usevis:message
: use a new window supporting syntax highlighting.universal_root_globs = {}
- Globs to consider as workspace root for any language server (e.g.*.git
).fallback_dirname_as_root = false
- If set to true a file's directory is used as workspace root if no explicit root was found.
If vis-lspc
has no language server configuration for your desired language or server
you have to create a language server configuration and insert it into the ls_map
Please have a look at #2 and share your configuration with everyone else.
A language server configuration is a Lua table containing at least a name
which is used to manage the language server and a cmd
field which is used to
start the language server.
Note: the language server must communicate with vis-lspc
via stdio.
Your language server probably supports stdio but maybe requires a special
command line flag.
Additional fields are:
- a table of arbitrary possibly nested data. It is sent in aworkspace/didChangeConfiguration
to the language server after initialization. It is also used to lookup configuration for theworkspace/configuratio
method call.init_options
- table of arbitrary possibly nested data. It will be sent to the server asinitializationOptions
in the parameters of theinitialize
method call.formatting_options
- table of configuration data as found in the LSP specification.tabSize
are required.
Example: The language server configuration entry in the ls_map
for lua-language-server
ls_map.lua = {
name = 'lua-language-server',
cmd = 'lua-language-server',
settings = {
Lua = {diagnostics = {globals = {'vis'}}, telemetry = {enable = false}},
formatting_options = {tabSize = 2, insertSpaces = true},
Language servers configured in vis-lspc
can be found in supported_servers.lua
During server initialization an URI to the root of the workspace (a folder opened by the editor) can be passed to the server. Workspaces are used to implement certain project wide features.
Since vis has no sense of folders and I think it is the job of each individual language server to detect the root of language idiomatic projects, workspace root detection is only activated for certain language servers by default.
If you want to use some universal criteria to detect project roots, like always using a file's directory or considering all source-control repositories as projects you can use the configuration options universal_root_globs
and fallback_dirname_as_root
Additionally, you can configure globs to detect a project's root for each language server using the roots
member in its ls_map
table entry.
For example roots = {'compile_commands.json', '.clangd'}
is used to detect the project root for clangd.
vis-lspc extends vis' event system with its own set of events:
- emitted after sending theinitialized
- emitted after sending thetextDocument/didOpen
All events receive the language server as first argument.
The returned module table also includes functions you can use in your own vis
Navigate between or in files, while remembering the current position in a runtime history.
lspc_open(win, path, line, col, cmd)
- a window in which to open the filepath
- the path to the file to openline
- the line to open. (nil
for no position within the file).col
- same asline
, but for the column.cmd
command to open the file. (e
, seevis
All code except otherwise noted is licensed under the term of GPL-3.
See the LICENSE file for more details.
Our fallback JSON implementation in json.lua
is NOT licensed under GPL-3.
It is taken from here
and is put into public domain by Tyler Neylon.