(Containing rating and timestamp information)
(Note: We utilize the Pearson's coefficient to measure the similiarities in the KNN algorithm)
(Source : https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/)
Entity | #Entity |
User | 943 |
Age | 8 |
Occupation | 21 |
Movie | 1,682 |
Genre | 18 |
Relation | #Relation |
User - Movie | 100,000 |
User - User (KNN) | 47,150 |
User - Age | 943 |
User - Occupation | 943 |
Movie - Movie (KNN) | 82,798 |
Movie - Genre | 2,861 |
(Containing rating information)
Entity | #Entity |
User | 13,367 |
Movie | 12,677 |
Group | 2,753 |
Actor | 6,311 |
Director | 2,449 |
Type | 38 |
Relation | #Relation |
User - Movie | 1,068,278 |
User - Group | 570,047 |
User - User | 4,085 |
Movie - Actor | 33,587 |
Movie - Director | 11,276 |
Movie - Type | 27,668 |
(Containing rating information)
Entity | #Entity |
User | 13,024 |
Book | 22,347 |
Group | 2,936 |
Location | 38 |
Author | 10,805 |
Publisher | 1,815 |
Year | 64 |
Relation | #Relation |
User - Book | 792,062 |
User - Group | 1,189,271 |
User - User | 169,150 |
User - Location | 10,592 |
Book - Author | 21,907 |
Book - Publisher | 21,773 |
Book - Year | 21,192 |
(Containing rating and timestamp information)
(Source : http://jmcauley.ucsd.edu/data/amazon/)
Entity | #Entity |
User | 6,170 |
Item | 2,753 |
View | 3,857 |
Category | 22 |
Brand | 334 |
Relation | #Relation |
User - Item | 195,791 |
Item - View | 5,694 |
Item - Category | 5,508 |
Item - Brand | 2,753 |
(Note: We utilize the Pearson's coefficient to measure the similiarities in the KNN algorithm)
(Source : https://grouplens.org/datasets/hetrec-2011/)
Entity | #Entity |
User | 1,892 |
Artist | 17,632 |
Tag | 11,945 |
Relation | #Relation |
User - Artist | 92834 |
User - User (Original) | 25,434 |
User - User (KNN) | 18,802 |
Artist - Artist (KNN) | 153,399 |
Artist - Tag | 184,941 |
(Containing rating information)
Entity | #Entity |
User | 16,239 |
Business | 14,284 |
Compliment | 11 |
Category | 47 |
City | 511 |
Relation | #Relation |
User - Business | 198,397 |
User - User | 158,590 |
User - Compliment | 76,875 |
Business - City | 14,267 |
Business - Category | 40,009 |
(Containing rating information)
Entity | #Entity |
User | 1,286 |
Business | 2,614 |
Service | 2 |
Star level | 9 |
Reservation | 2 |
Category | 3 |
Relation | #Relation |
User - Business | 30,838 |
Bussiness - Service | 2,614 |
Bussiness - Star level | 2,614 |
Business - Revervation | 2,614 |
Business - Category | 2,614 |
(Note: author_map_id.dat map the author id to the unique id)
Entity | #Entity |
Author | 14,475 |
Paper | 14,376 |
Author_label | 4 |
Conference | 20 |
Type | 8,920 |
Relation | #Relation |
Author - Label | 4,057 |
Paper - Author | 41,794 |
Paper - Conference | 14,376 |
Paper - Type | 114,624 |
(Note: author_map_id.dat map the author id to the unique id)
Entity | #Entity |
Author | 164,472 |
Paper | 127,623 |
Papel_label | 10 |
Conference | 101 |
Reference | 147,251 |
Relation | #Relation |
Paper - Label | 127,623 |
Paper - Author | 355,072 |
Paper - Conference | 127,632 |
Paper - Reference | 392,519 |