- Virtualization - UTM
- Power Management - AlDente
- Keyboard Remapping - Karabiner-Elements
- Mouse Configurator - LogiOptions
- Notetaking - Obsidian
- Spotlight - Raycast
- Window Management - Slate
- Calendar - Fantastical
- Misc - Pictogram
- Generate a key -
gpg --full-generate-key
- Select RSA
- Enter size 4096 bits at least for size
- Enter length of time
- Enter your commit name and email (pay attention to the email)
- Enter passphrase
- List your GPG keys -
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
- Copy the ID - sec 4096R/{THIS_PART} 2022-22-22 [expires: 2024-22-22].
- Copy the GPG key -
gpg --armor --export {GPG_KEY_ID} | pbcopy
- Add it to Github
- Make sure you have the following settings in place (you can set these with the --global flag too ofc):
git config user.signingkey {GPG_KEY_ID}
git config commit.gpgsign true
git config gpg.program gpg