Slab v0.6.3
244 commits
to master
since this release
This release addresses some issues found within the last release as well as some long standing ones. Below is a list of some important changes made. For a more detailed list of changes, refer to the commit history.
- [Tree] Fix for issue where sibling tree items were not properly aligned when a prior sibling is open. (#11)
- [Tooltip] Support for multi-line tooltips. (#15)
- [Window] Support for displaying a close button on windows, similar to behavior found in Dear ImGui. (#13)
- [Region] Exposed functions to allow setting/retrieving of wheel scroll speed. Added a scroll section to SlabTest that demonstrates the usage of these functions. (#7)
- [API] Fixed issue with IsControlHovered function not accounting for window obstruction.
- [Optimization] Merge branch 'flamendless/optimization' into v0.6.3. This merge contains optimizations for standard library calls found in most modules. Thanks to @flamendless for the work. (#14)
- [FileSystem] Fixed an issue with incorrect dirent struct layout used for Linux operating systems.
- [Dialog] Moved message box handling to Dialog namespace. FileDialog function depends on this.