Slab v0.7.1
163 commits
to master
since this release
This release provides fixes that have been found since the last release. Some of these fixes required a refactor such as the input system. Below is a list of highlighted changes made since the last release. Some of the fixes have also come from the community and is much appreciated. For a more detailed list of changes, refer to the commit history.
Mouse and Keyboard input are now handled asynchronously using the love provided callbacks. The system will process the events and forward the events to any developer defined functions. No changes need to be made from the developer.
- Add Options and Fallback arguments to Properties (#40)(@idbrii)
- [Dialog] Clear the focused Input control when opening a dialog. This will allow the cached text to be cleared if developer desires to do so. (#54)
- [Menu] Fixed an issue where opening a context menu in between controls on the same line caused cursor issues. (#56)
- [Image] Fixed an issue with scale not being applied to window bounds when specifying sub coordinates. (#52)
- Allow ContextMenuItem to be opened on left click (#55)(@antoniotorresm)
- [Window] Adjust region size to fit within the window. This will show the scrollbar if the window extends beyond the display. (#49)
- [Dialog] Added option to include parent directory entry in File Dialog when retrieving directories is enabled. (#53)
- [Mouse] State is now updated asynchronously. (#48)
- [Menu] Added 'Options' parameter to 'BeginMenu', 'MenuItem', and 'MenuItemChecked'. 'Enabled' flag added to allow menus and menu items to be disabled. (#47)
- [API] Added 'NoDocks' option to 'Initialize' function to disable docking. (#45)
- Allow to title file dialogs via Title field. (#51)(@LaineZ)
- [API] Fence call to 'Initialize'. This ensures this function is called only once. Fence calls to 'Update' and 'Draw'. This prevents these functions to be called multiple times in a single loop. (#44)
- Add support for ReturnOnText to sliders. (#43)(@elemel)
- Fixed Fix missing Step argument to InputNumberDrag. (#39)(@idbrii)
- [Input] Fixed issue with InputNumberDrag being too sensitive for small ranges. (#38)