Install the dependencies:
yarn install
Set the environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
# open .env and modify the environment variables (if needed)
Run with:
yarn dev
The environment variables can be found and modified in the .env
file. They come with these default values:
# Port number
# URL of the Mongo DB
# JWT secret key
# Number of minutes after which an access token expires
# Number of days after which a refresh token expires
# SMTP configuration options for the email service
# For testing, you can use a fake SMTP service like Ethereal:
[email protected]
List of available routes:
Image routes:
POST /v1/images
- create a image
GET /v1/images
- get all images
GET /v1/images/:imageId
- get image
PATCH /v1/images/:imageId
- update image
DELETE /v1/images/:imageId
- delete image
- NoSQL database: MongoDB object data modeling using Mongoose
- Payment: using Xendit
- Authentication and authorization: using passport
- Validation: request data validation using Joi
- Logging: using winston and morgan
- Testing: unit and integration tests using Jest
- Error handling: centralized error handling mechanism
- API documentation: with swagger-jsdoc and swagger-ui-express
- Process management: advanced production process management using PM2
- Dependency management: with Yarn
- Environment variables: using dotenv and cross-env
- Security: set security HTTP headers using helmet
- Santizing: sanitize request data against xss and query injection
- CORS: Cross-Origin Resource-Sharing enabled using cors
- Compression: gzip compression with compression
- CI: continuous integration with Travis CI
- Docker support
- Code coverage: using coveralls
- Code quality: with Codacy
- Git hooks: with husky and lint-staged
- Linting: with ESLint and Prettier
- Editor config: consistent editor configuration using EditorConfig