The Open Space Planner is a web application for efficiently managing open space events. Open space events are participant-driven meetings where attendees create and manage the agenda themselves, fostering collaboration and creativity. The application offers a user-friendly board view where time slots and rooms are visualized to easily plan and coordinate topics and sessions. The digital solution simplifies management compared to analog methods and enables more flexible, faster, and clearer planning.
⚠️ Warning: The project is currently under development and not yet fully functional.
It is used as a technical showcase to demonstrate various modern principles and best practices in software development. These include:
- Infrastructure as Code with Bicep
- Documentation as Code for better traceability of documentation
- .NET Web API with EF Core for database access
- Multitenancy for the use of the application by multiple organizations
- Modularization in the frontend and backend to ensure a flexible and scalable architecture
- Vertical Slice Architecture for clear separation of business logic and functionalities
- Automated Tests to ensure code quality and stability
- Azure Pipelines for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
- Dev Containers for a consistent local development environment
- Localization and Internationalization for supporting multiple languages
This project provides a practical implementation of modern software development techniques and practices.