Tags: flux-iac/tofu-controller
Toggle v0.16.0-rc.5's commit message
Merge pull request #1507 from flux-iac/fix/goreleaser
fix: goreleaser v1 to v2
Toggle v0.16.0-rc.4's commit message
Toggle v0.16.0-rc.3's commit message
Merge pull request #1003 from weaveworks/add-pr-string-to-suffix
Add the `pr` string to suffix
Toggle v0.16.0-rc.2's commit message
Merge pull request #834 from weaveworks/fix-bp-helm-chart-and-bump-to…
enable configmap creation and bump chart to v0.16.0-rc.2
Toggle v0.16.0-rc.1's commit message
Merge pull request #821 from weaveworks/807-bp-replica
patch: static replica count for branch planner
Toggle v0.15.1's commit message
Merge pull request #743 from weaveworks/bump-helm-chart-v0.15.1
write changelog and bump helm chart for v0.15.1
Toggle v0.15.0's commit message
Merge pull request #727 from weaveworks/update-docs-v0.15.0
update docs for v0.15.0
Toggle v0.15.0-rc.6's commit message
Toggle v0.14.5's commit message
Merge pull request #713 from weaveworks/fix-adding-finalizer-for-dele…
[v0.14] add finalizer to the dep only if object is not being deleted
Toggle v0.15.0-rc.5's commit message
Merge pull request #652 from weaveworks/bump-chart-for-v0.15.0-rc.5
bump chart for v0.15.0-rc.5
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