4.0.0 2021-03-15
ERM-1567 Cancellation deadline is now non-transient property on agreement
ERM-1564 Period starting/ending on current date not shown as current period
ERM-1534 Changed Agreement API to no longer directly expose "current agreement", switching instead to a tag on the period object.
ERM-1533 Agreement start and end dates should be the earliest period start and latest period end date respectively
ERM-1457 Extend length of field for monographVolume, monographEdition, firstAuthor, firstEditor
ERM-1248 If local platform code not set, appears as null
when a customised URL is proxied
ERM-1246 Template with null output will fail silently
ERM-1243 CustomProperty values not duplicated properly
ERM-1238 Agreements /erm/entitlements endpoint doesn't expand owner when entitlement is external
ERM-1213 Exporting Resources from Agreement when "All" filter selected does not export all resources
ERM-1203 Agreement Resources Export contains duplicate resources and incorrect agreement line information
ERM-1156 Support user access to platform records
ERM-1157 Implement Platform controller and URLMappings in mod-agreements
ERM-1185 Add hasMany platformLocators to platform in domain model
ERM-1079 Unable to delete license without permissions in agreements module
ERM-1048 Implement "template" mechanism to create URLs for resources based on existing data
ERM-1108 Add proxied URLs to exports
ERM-1047 Support for customised URLs at platform level
ERM-1135 Platform local code field
ERM-972 Missing permission definitions
Removed static version from vagrant box for developers
Feature ii kbplus kb -- Internal tweaks to the KIJPFAdapter
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