chore: Post release 7.1.1 (#838) #100
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Nov 27, 2024 in 0s
All 138 tests pass, 4 skipped in 5m 42s
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github-actions / Test Results
4 skipped tests found
There are 4 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Load Packages
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Test comparison report is generated
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github-actions / Test Results
142 tests found
There are 142 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Add PCI to second Agreement
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Create first Agreement with our package
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Create second Agreement for PCI
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Export Resources of first Agreement
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Export Resources of second Agreement (with PCI)
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Export first Agreement (with package)
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Export second Agreement (with PCI)
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Load Packages
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementExportSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Add org.olf.kb.PackageContentItem for title African yearbook of international law to the Agreement named My first agreement
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Add org.olf.kb.PlatformTitleInstance for title Journal of reformed theology to the Agreement named My first agreement
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Check closure reason behaviour
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Check creating an empty agreement
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Check that we don't currently have any subscribed content
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Create an Agreement named My first agreement with status Active
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ List Current Agreements
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Load Packages [test_package_file_name: brill-eg.json, #0]
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Load Packages [test_package_file_name: jstor-eg.json, #1]
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ check active titles log
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ test S3 clone
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ test file clone
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ test file upload
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementLifecycleSpec ‑ update active titles log
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementRelationshipsSpec ‑ Check relationship types present
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementRelationshipsSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementRelationshipsSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementRelationshipsSpec ‑ Test agreements and relationship
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Add an agreement for our package
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Ingest a test package
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Test direct PCI access dates are ignored for PCI Afghanistan
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Test direct PCI access dates are ignored for PCI Archaeological and Environmental Forensic Science
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Test direct PCI access dates are ignored for PCI Archives of Natural History
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementResourcesViewSpec ‑ Test direct PCI access dates are ignored for PCI Bethlehem University Journal
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Add an agreement for our package
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Ingest a test package
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range 2011-01-01 - 2025-12-31
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range 2011-01-01 - 2035-12-31
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range 2012-01-01 - 2014-12-31
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range 2012-01-01 - 2017-12-31
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range 2012-01-01 - null
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range 2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range 2025-01-01 - 2035-12-31
org.olf.Agreements.AgreementViewsSpec ‑ Test agreement line range null - 2035-12-31
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Load Packages
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.ComparisonSpec ‑ Test comparison report is generated
org.olf.General.DateParsingSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.DateParsingSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.DateParsingSpec ‑ Test various date(/time) string formats
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Coverage updates cause new EntitlementLog entries
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Create an Agreement with a package content item
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ EntitlementLogEntry created
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Fetch initial EntitlementLogEntries
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Ingest a test package
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Removing AgreementLine causes REMOVE EntitlementLog entry
org.olf.General.EntitlementLogSpec ‑ Suppress from discovery field cause new EntitlementLog entries
org.olf.General.IdentifierServiceSpec ‑ Creating identifiers works as expected
org.olf.General.IdentifierServiceSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.IdentifierServiceSpec ‑ Fix equivalent id error throwing
org.olf.General.IdentifierServiceSpec ‑ Fix equivalent ids
org.olf.General.IdentifierServiceSpec ‑ Fix equivalent ids occurrence wrangling
org.olf.General.IdentifierServiceSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.PackageViewsSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.PackageViewsSpec ‑ Ingest a test package
org.olf.General.PackageViewsSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.PackageViewsSpec ‑ Test package content endpoint current
org.olf.General.PackageViewsSpec ‑ Test package content endpoint dropped
org.olf.General.PackageViewsSpec ‑ Test package content endpoint future
org.olf.General.PackageViewsSpec ‑ Test package view
org.olf.General.PlatformSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.PlatformSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.PlatformSpec ‑ Test Platform creation
org.olf.General.TenantAPISpec ‑ Create Tenant
org.olf.General.TenantAPISpec ‑ Disable Tenant
org.olf.General.TenantAPISpec ‑ Purge Tenant
org.olf.General.TenantAPISpec ‑ Re-enable tenant
org.olf.General.TitleServiceSpec ‑ Bind to content
org.olf.General.TitleServiceSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.General.TitleServiceSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.General.TitleServiceSpec ‑ Second time around don't create a new title
org.olf.General.TitleServiceSpec ‑ Test Title Resolution
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Load Packages [test_package_file: simple_pkg.json, #0]
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Test CRUD operations on templates
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Test PTIS created with existing templates
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Test creation of StringTemplates [the_name: proxy1, the_rule: http://sub-hh-{{replace (replace (removeProtocol inputUrl) "link." "") ".com" ""}}/proxy1, the_context: urlproxier, #0]
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Test creation of StringTemplates [the_name: proxy2, the_rule: proxy-2-stuff-{{platformLocalCode}}, the_context: urlproxier, #1]
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Test updating PTI has immediate effect
org.olf.StringTemplate.StringTemplateSpec ‑ Test updating Platform updates PTI
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Bind to content
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Fix equivalent identifiers in IdFirstTIRS
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Fix equivalent identifiers in IdFirstTIRS -- non issn/isbn
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ IdFirstTIRS behaves as expected when we match multiple TIs
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Ingest via package service works as expected
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Ingest via package service works as expected -- lookup
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Match on fuzzy title
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Match on identifiers
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Match on sibling
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Test title creation
org.olf.TIRS.IdFirstTIRS.IdFirstTIRSSpec ‑ Test title creation -- lookup
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSIngestJobSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSIngestJobSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSIngestJobSpec ‑ Test cleanup worked
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSIngestJobSpec ‑ Test in job runner context
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Bind to content
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Creation of new TI within fallbackToIdFirstTIRS
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Ensure test tenant
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Identifier wrangling works as expected
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Ingest via package service works as expected
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Ingest via package service works as expected -- lookup
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Pre purge test tenant
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Sibling wrangling works when adding sibling -- case 4.2
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Sibling wrangling works when multiple sibling citations would match one sibling in system -- case 4.6
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Sibling wrangling works when removing sibling -- case 4.3
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Sibling wrangling works when sibling has multiple identifiers instead of 1 -- case 4.4
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Sibling wrangling works when there are no changes to sibling -- case 4.1
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Test rejection without sourceIdentifier fields
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Test title creation
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Test title creation -- lookup
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ WorkSourceIdentifierTIRS behaves as expected when matching multiple works
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ WorkSourceIdentifierTIRS behaves as expected when matching work with many electronic TIs
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ WorkSourceIdentifierTIRS behaves as expected when matching work with no electronic TIs
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ WorkSourceIdentifierTIRS behaves as expected when matching work with one electronic TI
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ WorkSourceIdentifierTIRS behaves as expected when no work is found and we match multiple TIs
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Zero work match, single TI match on fallback -- Match on fuzzy title
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Zero work match, single TI match on fallback -- Match on identifiers
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Zero work match, single TI match on fallback -- Match on sibling
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Zero work match, single TI match on fallback with mismatched sourceId attached
org.olf.TIRS.WorkSourceIdentifier.WorkSourceIdentifierTIRSSpec ‑ Zero work match, single TI match on fallback with no sourceId attached