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tentative lidarHD Las extraction
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forefire committed Jul 13, 2024
1 parent 5c57140 commit 7b2d966
Showing 1 changed file with 224 additions and 39 deletions.
263 changes: 224 additions & 39 deletions tools/preprocessing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
from rasterio import Affine
from pyproj import Proj, Transformer, transform
import rasterio
import requests

from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,9 +87,52 @@ def gen_density_altitude_and_filter(in_points):

return filtered_points

def filter_las_files_with_attributes(file_paths, left, bottom, right, top):
# Initialize the dictionary with specific structures for coordinates and any known attributes
all_filtered_points = {
'coords': np.array([]).reshape(0, 3),
'color': np.array([]).reshape(0, 3)

for file_path in file_paths:
inFile =

def filter_las_files_with_attributes(file_paths, left, bottom, right, top):
# Calculate the mask for the bounding box
points = np.vstack((inFile.x, inFile.y, inFile.z)).transpose()
mask = (points[:, 0] >= left) & (points[:, 0] <= right) & (points[:, 1] >= bottom) & (points[:, 1] <= top)
print("Got ", np.sum(mask), " from file ", file_path)

# Handle coordinates, intensity, and color specifically
filtered_points = points[mask]
all_filtered_points['coords'] = np.vstack((all_filtered_points['coords'], filtered_points))

filtered_intensity = inFile.intensity[mask]

if hasattr(inFile, 'red') and hasattr(inFile, 'green') and hasattr(inFile, 'blue'):
# Assuming color data is available and stored in 'red', 'green', 'blue'
filtered_color = np.vstack(([mask],[mask],[mask])).transpose()
all_filtered_points['color'] = np.vstack((all_filtered_points['color'], filtered_color))

# Dynamically handle other attributes
for attribute in inFile.point_format.dimension_names:
if attribute not in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'intensity', 'red', 'green', 'blue']: # Exclude already handled
if attribute not in all_filtered_points:
all_filtered_points[attribute] = []

filtered_attribute = getattr(inFile, attribute)[mask]

# Convert lists to numpy arrays for numeric data types
for key in all_filtered_points:
print(key, " attribute found in filtered laz file")
if isinstance(all_filtered_points[key], list): # Convert lists to numpy arrays
all_filtered_points[key] = np.array(all_filtered_points[key])

print("Filtered bounding box ", left, bottom, right, top, " from files ", file_paths)
return all_filtered_points

def filter_las_files_with_single_attributes(file_paths, left, bottom, right, top):
all_filtered_points = {'coords': np.array([]).reshape(0, 3), 'intensity': [], 'color': np.array([]).reshape(0, 3)}

for file_path in file_paths:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,17 +163,63 @@ def filter_las_files_with_attributes(file_paths, left, bottom, right, top):
print("filtered box ", left, bottom, right, top," from files ", file_paths)
return all_filtered_points

def save_filtered_las(all_filtered_points, output_file_path):
outFile = laspy.create()
def save_filtered_las_color_classification_and_coords(all_filtered_points, output_file_path):
# Set up LAS file with a point format that supports RGB colors and extended classification
header = laspy.LasHeader(version="1.4", point_format=7) # Point format 7 supports RGB and extended classification
outFile = laspy.LasData(header)

outFile.x = all_filtered_points['coords'][:, 0]
outFile.y = all_filtered_points['coords'][:, 1]
outFile.z = all_filtered_points['coords'][:, 2]
outFile.intensity = all_filtered_points['intensity'] = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 0] = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 1] = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 2]

# Set classification; make sure it is compatible with extended values
outFile.classification = all_filtered_points['classification'].astype(np.uint8)

# Set RGB colors; scale colors to 16-bit if necessary
if np.max(all_filtered_points['color']) <= 255:
scaleFactor = 65535 / 255 = (all_filtered_points['color'][:, 0] * scaleFactor).astype(np.uint16) = (all_filtered_points['color'][:, 1] * scaleFactor).astype(np.uint16) = (all_filtered_points['color'][:, 2] * scaleFactor).astype(np.uint16)
else: = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 0].astype(np.uint16) = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 1].astype(np.uint16) = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 2].astype(np.uint16)

print("Saved LAS as ", output_file_path)

def save_filtered_las(all_filtered_points, output_file_path):
# Create a new LAS file with appropriate header setup
header = laspy.LasHeader(point_format=2, version="1.2") # Assuming point format 2 for RGB color
outFile = laspy.LasData(header)

# Set x, y, z coordinates
outFile.x = all_filtered_points['coords'][:, 0]
outFile.y = all_filtered_points['coords'][:, 1]
outFile.z = all_filtered_points['coords'][:, 2]

# Remove 'coords' key as it's already processed
del all_filtered_points['coords']

# Set colors if available
if 'color' in all_filtered_points: = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 0] = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 1] = all_filtered_points['color'][:, 2]
del all_filtered_points['color'] # Remove 'color' key as it's already processed

# Dynamically set other attributes
for attribute, values in all_filtered_points.items():
print("handling ",attribute)
if hasattr(outFile, attribute): # Check if the attribute exists in the LAS file structure
setattr(outFile, attribute, np.array(values))

# Write the file to disk
print("saved LAS as ", output_file_path)
print("Saved LAS as ", output_file_path)

def convert_LASCRS_to_latlon(filtered_points, lidarCRS = 2154):
# Initialiser le transformateur pour convertir de Lambert-93 (EPSG:2154) à WGS84 (EPSG:4326)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,47 +362,58 @@ def plot_colored_points_3d(points, dpi=300, filename="3D_colored_points.png", z_
# Sauvegarder la figure en PNG avec une résolution spécifique (dpi)
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
print("Plotted points in ", filename)
import vtk
import numpy as np

def save_points_to_vtk(points, filename='points.vtk'):
# Créer un objet vtkPoints pour stocker les coordonnées
# Create a vtkPoints object to store the coordinates
vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints()
tb = np.min(points['coords'][:,1])
tl = np.min(points['coords'][:,0])
tb = np.min(points['coords'][:, 1])
tl = np.min(points['coords'][:, 0])

for coord in points['coords']:
ncoord = coord - [tl,tb,0]
ncoord = coord - [tl, tb, 0]
# Créer un objet vtkCellArray pour stocker la connectivité des points

# Create a vtkCellArray to store the connectivity of the points
vertices = vtk.vtkCellArray()

for i in range(len(points['coords'])):
# Créer un objet vtkPolyData pour stocker les points et leur connectivité

# Create a vtkPolyData object to store the points and their connectivity
polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData()
# Créer un objet vtkUnsignedCharArray pour stocker les couleurs

# Create a vtkUnsignedCharArray to store the colors
colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()

for color in points['color']:

# Ajouter les couleurs au polydata
# Add the colors to the polydata

# Create a vtkUnsignedCharArray for the classification
classif = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()
for kindOf in points['classification']:

# Écrire les données dans un fichier VTK
# Add the classification to the polydata as an additional array

# Write the data to a VTK file
writer = vtk.vtkPolyDataWriter()
print("Saved vtk file points in ", filename)

def webMapsToTif(west, south, east, north, outF, providerSRC=cx.providers.GeoportailFrance.orthos, zoomLevel=19):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,11 +541,80 @@ def filter_shapefile_by_coordinates(west, south, east, north, filename,lidarCRS=
las6 = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2023/prunelli/LIDARHD_1-0_LAZ_VT-1226_6123-2021/Semis_2021_1226_6123_LA93_IGN78.laz"
lidarHDIndex = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2023/lidargrid/TA_diff_pkk_lidarhd.shp"

# List of URLs to download
prunellieasturls = [

# Function to download a file
def download_file(url,basepath=""):
local_filename = basepath+url.split('/')[-1]
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
return local_filename

def download_urs_set(urls):
for url in urls:
print(f"Downloading {url}")
print(f"Finished downloading {url.split('/')[-1]}")

def analyze_las_file(file_path):
# Define classification descriptions
classifications_description = {
0: "Jamais classé",
1: "Non attribuée",
2: "Sol",
3: "Végétation basse",
4: "Moyenne végétation",
5: "Haute végétation",
6: "Bâtiment",
7: "Point bas",
8: "Réservé",
9: "Eau",
10: "Ferroviaire",
11: "Surface routière",
12: "Réservé",
13: "Fil métallique (protection)",
14: "Conducteur métallique (Phase)",
15: "Tour de transmission",
16: "Connecteur de structure métallique (Isolant)",
17: "Tablier de pont",
18: "Niveau sonore élevé"

# Open the LAS file
inFile =

# Total number of points
total_points = inFile.header.point_count
print("Total number of points:", total_points)

# Get classifications and count occurrences
classifications = inFile.classification
unique, counts = np.unique(classifications, return_counts=True)

# Display counts for each classification
classification_counts = dict(zip(unique, counts))
print("Counts by classification:")
for classification, count in classification_counts.items():
description = classifications_description.get(classification, "Unknown classification")
print(f"Classification {classification} ({description}): {count} points")

return total_points, classification_counts

#bbox de Yolanda
lat_sw, lon_sw = 42.0063067 , 9.3263082
lat_ne, lon_ne = 42.0104249 , 9.3327945

#bbox réduite
#lat_sw, lon_sw = 42.007884 , 9.327366
#lat_ne, lon_ne = 42.008428 , 9.328064
Expand All @@ -455,12 +624,18 @@ def filter_shapefile_by_coordinates(west, south, east, north, filename,lidarCRS=
#lat_ne, lon_ne = 42.6049 ,8.9216

#bbox de monze
lat_sw, lon_sw = 43.1289 , 2.3986
lat_ne, lon_ne = 43.187127, 2.5797
#lat_sw, lon_sw = 43.1289 , 2.3986
#lat_ne, lon_ne = 43.187127, 2.5797

#bbox de Prunelli smaller
lat_sw, lon_sw = 42.0076 , 9.3269
lat_ne, lon_ne = 42.0094 , 9.3310

dirout = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2023/prunelli/6731213101-2/sub/"
lidarDir = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2023/corbara20230727/lidar/"
dirout = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2023/corbara20230727/out/"
dirout = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2024/prunelli/"
lidarDir = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2024/prunelli/lidarHD"
dirout = "/Users/filippi_j/data/2024/prunelli/tmp/"

subsetFDS = "%ssubsetFDS.TIF"%dirout
subsetFDSLamb = "%ssubsetFDSLAMBERT.TIF"%dirout
Expand All @@ -472,25 +647,35 @@ def filter_shapefile_by_coordinates(west, south, east, north, filename,lidarCRS=

west, south, east, north = lon_sw,lat_sw, lon_ne,lat_ne

#findfileToDownload(west, south, east, north)
filter_shapefile_by_coordinates(west, south, east, north, lidarHDIndex)

#webMapsToTif(west, south, east, north, orthoTIF, zoomLevel=18)

get_orthophoto = False
# downloading ultraHD zoom18 image of orthophoto
if get_orthophoto:
webMapsToTif(west, south, east, north, orthoTIF, zoomLevel=18)


#left,right,bottom,top = getLeftRightBottomTop(orthoTIFLamb)
#all_filtered_points = filter_las_files_with_attributes( list_laz_files(lidarDir), left, bottom, right, top )
# reprojection using lambert 2154 to match crs in corsica of lidar
project_orthophoto = False
if project_orthophoto:

#all_filtered_points_colored = assign_colors_from_tif(all_filtered_points, orthoTIFLamb)
#save_points_to_vtk(all_filtered_points_colored, filename=lidarVTKout)

#save_filtered_las(all_filtered_points_colored, outLAS)
# filter las points from a BBOX that corresponds to those found in the ortho tiff file and from files that are contained in a directory
# save it as vtk and las file
filter_las_points = False
if filter_las_points:
left,right,bottom,top = getLeftRightBottomTop(orthoTIFLamb)
all_filtered_points = filter_las_files_with_attributes( list_laz_files(lidarDir), left, bottom, right, top )

all_filtered_points_colored = assign_colors_from_tif(all_filtered_points, orthoTIFLamb)
save_points_to_vtk(all_filtered_points_colored, filename=lidarVTKout)
save_filtered_las_color_classification_and_coords(all_filtered_points_colored, outLAS)

# gives some info
info_colored_las= True
if info_colored_las:
#plot_colored_points_3d(all_filtered_points_colored, filename=lidplot)
#all_filtered_points_latlon = convert_LASCRS_to_latlon(all_filtered_points_colored)
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