An Android project showing with animation all available move sequences of a knight in chessboard
- User must long press at the chessboard rectangle they want to set as start point. This rectangle will change color to green.
- User must long press at the chessboard rectangle they want to set as end point. This rectangle will change color to red.
- User can set the maximum number of moves. By default this value is 3.
- User press the "FIND ALL AVAILABLE MOVE SEQUENCES" button at the bottom of the application.
- A dialog with all available paths will be shown. User must select the path he wants and press it.
- In the main application screen are shown the start position as a green rectangle, the end position as a red rectangle and all intermediate positions as blue rectangles.
- The white knight from position "B8" will initially move to the setted start position and then it will follow the selected move sequence.