HA_ActronControls Public
Forked from BrettMacph/HA_ActronControlsHome Assistant Actron Air Controls
UpdatedFeb 14, 2025 -
CameraView Public
Forked from Mijick/CameraCamera made simple (SwiftUI)
Swift MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2024 -
edge-runtime Public
Forked from supabase/edge-runtimeA server based on Deno runtime, capable of running JavaScript, TypeScript, and WASM services.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 25, 2023 -
fourutils Public
A collection of utilities that I use in a number of private projects.
roux-stream Public
Forked from torfsen/roux-streamStreaming API for the Rust Reddit Client roux
diesel Public
Forked from diesel-rs/dieselA safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust
gh-label-conductor Public
A small CLI utility for updating GitHub project labels from a config file.
gha-cargo-cache-tests Public
Some experimentation on the best methods to cache Rust build dependencies on GitHub Actions.
baseline Public
Common Rust types and traits for dealing with financial data
sdo_rs Public
A Rust implementation of Iress' SDO format
yahoo_finance_api Public
Forked from xemwebe/yahoo_finance_apiSimple wrapper to yahoo! finance API to retrieve latest quotes and end-of-day quote histories
rust-trend Public
Forked from shadawck/rust-trendUnofficial Rust API for interacting with Google Trend
scraper Public
Forked from rust-scraper/scraperHTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors
ta.web Public
Forked from Bitvested/ta.webReact compatible ta.js
openwebstart-pkgbuild Public
An Arch Linux PKGBUILD to install OpenWebStart.
obsidian_gruvbox Public
Forked from insanum/obsidian_gruvboxA gruvbox theme for Obsidian
neovide Public
Forked from neovide/neovideNo Nonsense Neovim Client in Rust
tower-http Public
Forked from tower-rs/tower-httpHTTP specific Tower utilities.
cachepot Public
Forked from paritytech/cachepotcachepot is `sccache` with extra sec, which in turn is `ccache` with cloud storage
a2 Public
Forked from reown-com/a2An Asynchronous Apple Push Notification (apns2) Client for Rust
wg-maestro Public
An opinionated Wireguard management agent. Allows clients to retrieve configuration from a centralised server.
voxel-rs Public
Forked from Technici4n/voxel-rsVoxel-rs is a multiplayer Minecraft-like game engine written in Rust. The game is currently under heavy development and it's not yet playable. We are still looking for a better name...
dnsimple-python Public
Forked from dnsimple/dnsimple-pythonPython API client for DNSimple's Domain Management Automation
wtforms-sqlalchemy Public
Forked from pallets-eco/wtforms-sqlalchemyWTForms integration for SQLAlchemy