Releases: fourstix/Elfos-utils
Last Kernel 4 Release
Updates to XSB and XRB added to code before Elf/OS version 5 was officially released. This release is an update of the previous "Last" release plus these changes.
Attached are the library files file_utils.lbr, io_utils.lbr, pixie_utils.lbr, stg_utils.lbr and sys_utils.lbr along with the help file utils.lbr.
Next to Last Kernel 4 Release
Last Release of source and binaries for Kernel 4, before changes made for Kernel 5.
Kernel Release
Refactored libraries to be more logical. Added "up" utility to the io_utils.lbr library. The help file utils.lbr was also updated.
The binary library files file_utils.lbr, io_utils.lbr, pixie_utils.lbr, stg_utils.lbr and sys_utils.lbr are attached to this release, along with the help file utils.lbr.
Updated TvClock with improvements
Updated the TvClock Pixie video demo with a fix and improvement suggested by David Madole. The updated binary tvclock.bin is in binaries directory and contained in the updated library file video_utils.lbr.
Add Pause utility and Update Libraries
Added pause utility and update libraries and help files. The binaries are in the library files file_utils.lbr, io_utils.lbr, stg_utils.lbr and video_utils.lbr. The help files are in the help library utils.lbr.
Release for Kernel 0.4.0
Updated release of utilities for Kernel 0.4.0 assembled with the Asm/02 assembler. The Elf/OS library files for the utilities are attached to this release.
Release for Kernel 0.3.2
Last release for Elf/OS Kernel 0.3.2 and before changes made for Kernel 0.40.
v1.0.2 Updated XSB
Update XSB with suggestions from Marcel van Tongeren to use the bios to support either bit-banged or UART based serial communication.
Initial Utils Release
Initial code release announced in Cosmac Elf group. Release contains with all the binary files for the commands, plus the three libraries created with this release.