- Give each sandbox account an alias name.
- Set
session credentials for "sandboxNN", then execute:create-account-alias --account-alias "sandboxNN"
Reference: [IAM Docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/console_account-alias.html#CreateAccountAlias)
- Install AWS Nuke
Edit ./nuke-all.yaml file, replacing with your own region and account IDs.
Set AWS* environment variables to the account being nuked
Dry-run nuke.
aws-nuke --config ./nuke-all.yaml \
--access-key-id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
--session-token $AWS_SESSION_TOKEN \
--secret-access-key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Really nuke.
Append the parameter:
For more info, refer to https://github.com/rebuy-de/aws-nuke