- App is here to help everyone with their anxiety in a complicated mango world.
- Created by
- Monica Iqbal, https://www.linkedin.com/in/iqbalmonica/
- Frank (Haolun) Li, https://www.linkedin.com/in/123frank/
- Figma document
- Virtual notebook for easy recording
- Helps build good habits and self reflection
#To Do
- Think about how thought logging is helpful and how it could be transformed into a digital app format.
- find sheet with activities and place inside this repo
- Design thought logging
- Thought logging phases
- Dashboard where you can see thought logging
- Create a new thought log
- Thought logging phases
- Make multi staged thought record logging
- Page 1: Date, Title, Describe the situation, Mood, Automatic Thoughts
- Page 2: Click into automatic thought, Add hot thought, Evidence for, evidence against,
- Page 3: Click Create Balanced Thought, shows hot thought, shows moods, input box that is labled balanced thought
- Page 4: Completed record log, plan out later
- Try to reach out to counsellors at UofT Health and Wellness or similar groups. It would be great to set up some virtual coffee chats.
- Counsellors and professional in this field.
- People who experience anxiety and are comfortable using an app for it.
- Talk to Troy and ask him for some ideas for logo
- MySSP, way to contact and find someone to talk to.