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Vagrant provider for VMware vCloud Director®

Version 0.4.1 has been released!

Please note that this software is still Alpha/Beta quality and is not recommended for production usage.

We have a wide array of boxes available at Vagrant Cloud you can use them directly or you can roll your own as you please, make sure to install VMware tools in it.

If you're unsure about what are the correct network settings for your Vagrantfile make sure to check out the Network Deployment Options wiki page.

Check the full releases changelog here


Latest version can be easily installed by running the following command:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vcloud

Vagrant will download all the required gems during the installation process.

After the install has completed a vagrant up --provider=vcloud will trigger the newly installed provider.


If you already have vagrant-vcloud installed you can update to the latest version available by issuing:

vagrant plugin update vagrant-vcloud

Vagrant will take care of the upgrade process.


Here's a sample Multi-VM Vagrantfile, please note that vcloud.vdc_edge_gateway and vcloud.vdc_edge_gateway_ip are required only when you cannot access vcloud.vdc_network_name directly and there's an Organization Edge between your workstation and the vCloud Network.

nodes = [
  { hostname: 'web-vm', box: 'gosddc/precise32' },
  { hostname: 'ssh-vm', box: 'gosddc/precise32' },
  { hostname: 'sql-vm', box: 'gosddc/precise32' },
  { hostname: 'app-vm', box: 'gosddc/precise32' }

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|

  # vCloud Director provider settings
  config.vm.provider :vcloud do |vcloud|
    vcloud.vapp_prefix = 'multibox-sample'

    vcloud.hostname = ''
    vcloud.username = 'MyUserName'
    vcloud.password = 'MySup3rS3cr3tPassw0rd!'

    vcloud.org_name = 'OrganizationName'
    vcloud.vdc_name = 'vDC_Name'

    vcloud.catalog_name = 'Vagrant'
    vcloud.ip_subnet = ''

    vcloud.vdc_network_name = 'MyNetwork'

    vcloud.vdc_edge_gateway = 'MyOrgEdgeGateway'
    vcloud.vdc_edge_gateway_ip = ''

  nodes.each do |node|
    config.vm.define node[:hostname] do |node_config| = node[:box]
      node_config.vm.hostname = node[:hostname]
      node_config.vm.box_url = node[:box_url] :forwarded_port,
                             guest: 80,
                             host: 8080,
                             auto_correct: true
      # node_config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
      #   puppet.manifests_path = 'puppet/manifests'
      #   puppet.manifest_file = 'site.pp'
      #   puppet.module_path = 'puppet/modules'
      # end

For additional documentation on different network setups with vCloud Director, check the Network Deployment Options Wiki page


What is still missing:

  • TEST SUITES! (working on that).
  • Speed, the code is definitely not optimized.
  • Permission checks, make sure you have at least Catalog Admin privileges if you want to upload boxes to vCloud.
  • Thorough testing.
  • Error checking is absymal.
  • Some spaghetti code here and there.
  • Bugs, bugs and BUGS!.

If you're a developer and want to lend us a hand, head over to our develop branch and send us PRs!

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Vagrant provider for VMware vCloud Director®







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