Welcome to the FreightHub frontend coding challenge! Please read the following instructions carefully.
Your goal is to set up an application which enables the user to view and manage shipments.
The main goal is for the user to check the shipments at a glance. This allows users to take faster decisions and plan ahead of time.
Providing information to the customer increases transparency and reduces communication issues.
- The user shall be able to:
- See shipments in pages of 20 elements per page
- Search by shipment id
- Sort by different fields (e.g. id, name) in ascending/descending order
- View the shipment information on a separate shipment details page
- Update the shipment name (should persist when the page is reloaded)
The interactions should not refresh the page.
React and JavaScript are mandatory requirements. Apart from this, you can use any libraries, task runners and build processors. ES6 and TypeScript are highly encouraged.
The full criteria for evaluating the coding challenge can be found here.
- Clone this repository.
- A RESTful API for
is provided with the challenge. To run, follow: How to run API server - Complete your project as described above within your local repository.
- Make sure that there are scripts to start both the server and the client.
- Ensure everything you want to commit is committed before you bundle.
- Create a git bundle:
git bundle create your_name.bundle --all
- Email the bundle file to your point of contact.
In order to be fair to all candidates, please refrain from sharing your solution on public repository hosting services such as GitHub and Bitbucket.
The boilerplate includes a small service for data fetching. The file db.json
includes all the necessary data to achieve the goal. Please follow the steps below to start the server:
yarn or npm install .
yarn server or npm run server
Check json-server for more information.
There is no hard time limit for this coding challenge. However, we believe that 3-4 hours is sufficient for the must-have parts of the application. While we appreciate all the effort put into the challenge, we also do not want to take up too much of your time. Our advice is to focus on making sure that the application works properly and has some tests before moving on to secondary objectives. Happy coding!
Good luck, The FreightHub Team