mini-pages is a simple client side page routing library for Meteor.
Latest Version: 0.3.0
Previous Version: 0.2.3
- Before filters now set
to the PageInvocation. No parameters are passed to the filter. See the API docs for specifics or the Get Started section for a quick example. - Before filters now have
methods to set variables for a specific page and automatically clear them on a new path. - Layouts do not replace the entire body any more. mini-pages uses Spark to only re-render the layout or template if it has changed, even for new paths.
- Dynamically change layout, template, or nav in a before callback.
- Stop additional before callbacks from running using the
method inside the callback.
To install in a new project:
> mrt add mini-pages
To update an existing project:
> mrt update mini-pages
> git clone mini-pages
> cd mini-pages/examples/basic
> mrt
> git clone mini-pages
> mrt
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// Page values can be an object of options, a function or a template name string
'/': { to: 'postIndex', as: 'root', nav: 'posts' },
'/posts': { to: 'postIndex', nav: 'posts' },
'/posts/:_id': { to: 'postShow', before: [setPost] },
'/secret': { to: 'secret', nav: 'secret', before: secret },
'/logout': logout,
'*': 'notFound'
}, {
// optional options to pass to the PageRouter
defaults: {
layout: 'layout'
Before callbacks let you set page variables, and dynamically change the page's layout, nav key or template. Before callbacks are reactive. This means that if they rely on a reactive data source and that data changes, the callbacks will be run again.
function loggingIn () {
if (Meteor.isLoggingIn()) {
// dynamically set the template
// stop downstream callbacks from running
function first () {
// set page specific variables using the set method
this.set("post", { _id: 1 });
function second () {
// dynamically set layout and nav keys or redirect
// redirect to a different path
'/posts/:_id': { to: "postShow", before: [loggingIn, first, second] }
- {{renderPages}}: Manually render the pages. Must be used in combination with the
autoRender: false
option to the router. - {{pageTemplate}}: The current template name.
- {{pageTemplateEquals 'value'}}: True if the value is equal to the current template.
- {{pageNav}}: The current nav key.
- {{pageNavEquals 'value'}}: True if the value is equal to the current nav key.
- {{pageLayout}}: The current layout template name.
- {{pageLayoutEquals 'value'}}: True if the value is equal to the current layout template name.
- {{pagePath}}: The current path.
- {{page}}: The current page's invocation dictionary. Access variabes that were set in before callbacks using the
this.set("key", "value")