In this project we attempt to reconstruct the phase space of the AAPL
stock based on Doyne Farmer's famous paper Geometry from a Time Series.
Namely, any time series
where d is the embedding dimension of the phase space and
Specifically, we follow the steps below:
- pull historical data of the selected stock using the yfinance package
- apply a low-pass Butterworth filter on the data, in order to extract the low-frequency signal
- plot the stock time-series **
- plot the
$3$ -dimensional ($d = 3$ ) reconstructed phase space of the time-series **
** applied to both initial and filtered time series
- TICKER_SYMBOL (string):= ticker symbol of selected stock
- START_DATE (string):= start date of historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
- END_DATE (string):= end date of historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
- CUTOFF_FREQ (float):= cutoff frequency for the low-pass filter
- SAMPLE_RATE (float):= sampling rate of the input data used for the low-pass filter
- ORDER (int):= order of the Butterworth low-pass filter
- TIME_DELAY_PARAMETER (int):= time delay parameter of the phase space embedding
The required packages are included in file requirements.txt
Python interpreter version used for this project: 3.9.4