This project is a Gazebo simulation of a Formula Student racecar, designed to replicate the behavior of an autonomous racing vehicle. The simulation includes a detailed model of the car, its sensors, and the race environment. It is built using ROS (Robot Operating System) and integrates various ROS packages for control, perception, and simulation.
To run the simulation, ensure the following ROS packages are installed:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ackermann-msgs \
ros-kinetic-twist-mux \
ros-kinetic-joy \
ros-kinetic-controller-manager \
ros-kinetic-robotnik-msgs \
ros-kinetic-velodyne-simulator \
ros-kinetic-effort-controllers \
ros-kinetic-velocity-controllers \
ros-kinetic-joint-state-controller \
ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control \
A high-fidelity model of the Formula Student racecar.
Integration of LIDAR and other sensors for perception.
Realistic physics and control using Gazebo and ROS controllers.
A simulated race environment for testing autonomous driving algorithms.
Install the required dependencies listed above.
Build the workspace using catkin_make.
Launch the simulation with the provided launch file:
roslaunch autonomousim_description sim.launch
Sensor Integration: LIDAR and other sensors are simulated for perception tasks.
Control Systems: Ackermann steering and throttle control are implemented for realistic driving behavior.
Customizable Environment: Modify the race track or add obstacles for testing.