Name | Type | Description | Notes |
machine_id | str | Machine ID reported by the node. | |
system_uuid | str | System UUID reported by the node. | |
boot_id | str | Boot ID reported by the node. | |
kernel_version | str | Kernel Version reported by the node from 'uname -r' (e.g. 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64). | |
os_image | str | OS Image reported by the node from /etc/os-release (e.g. Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)). | |
container_runtime_version | str | ContainerRuntime Version reported by the node through runtime remote API (e.g. docker://1.5.0). | |
kubelet_version | str | Kubelet Version reported by the node. | |
kube_proxy_version | str | KubeProxy Version reported by the node. |