This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version:
- Package version: 0.0.1
- Build date: 2016-10-03T16:36:00.844Z
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import lib_openshift
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import lib_openshift
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import lib_openshift
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = lib_openshift.Api
# get available API versions
except ApiException as e:
print "Exception when calling Api->get_api_versions: %s\n" % e
All URIs are relative to https://localhost:8443/
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Api | get_api_versions | GET /api | get available API versions |
ApiV1 | create_configmap | POST /api/v1/configmaps | create a ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | create_endpoint | POST /api/v1/endpoints | create a Endpoints |
ApiV1 | create_event | POST /api/v1/events | create a Event |
ApiV1 | create_limitrange | POST /api/v1/limitranges | create a LimitRange |
ApiV1 | create_namespace | POST /api/v1/namespaces | create a Namespace |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_configmap | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps | create a ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_endpoint | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints | create a Endpoints |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_event | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events | create a Event |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_limitrange | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges | create a LimitRange |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_persistentvolumeclaim | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims | create a PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_pod | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods | create a Pod |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_podtemplate | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates | create a PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_replicationcontroller | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers | create a ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_resourcequota | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas | create a ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_secret | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets | create a Secret |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_service | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services | create a Service |
ApiV1 | create_namespaced_serviceaccount | POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts | create a ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | create_node | POST /api/v1/nodes | create a Node |
ApiV1 | create_persistentvolume | POST /api/v1/persistentvolumes | create a PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | create_persistentvolumeclaim | POST /api/v1/persistentvolumeclaims | create a PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | create_pod | POST /api/v1/pods | create a Pod |
ApiV1 | create_podtemplate | POST /api/v1/podtemplates | create a PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | create_replicationcontroller | POST /api/v1/replicationcontrollers | create a ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | create_resourcequota | POST /api/v1/resourcequotas | create a ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | create_secret | POST /api/v1/secrets | create a Secret |
ApiV1 | create_securitycontextconstraint | POST /api/v1/securitycontextconstraints | create a SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | create_service | POST /api/v1/services | create a Service |
ApiV1 | create_serviceaccount | POST /api/v1/serviceaccounts | create a ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | delete_namespace | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{name} | delete a Namespace |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_configmap | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps/{name} | delete a ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_configmaps | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps | delete collection of ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_endpoint | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints/{name} | delete a Endpoints |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_endpoints | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints | delete collection of Endpoints |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_event | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name} | delete a Event |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_events | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events | delete collection of Event |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_limitrange | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name} | delete a LimitRange |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_limitranges | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges | delete collection of LimitRange |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_persistentvolumeclaim | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name} | delete a PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_persistentvolumeclaims | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims | delete collection of PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_pod | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name} | delete a Pod |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_pods | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods | delete collection of Pod |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_podtemplate | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates/{name} | delete a PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_podtemplates | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates | delete collection of PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_replicationcontroller | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name} | delete a ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_replicationcontrollers | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers | delete collection of ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_resourcequota | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name} | delete a ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_resourcequotas | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas | delete collection of ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_secret | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets/{name} | delete a Secret |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_secrets | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets | delete collection of Secret |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_service | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name} | delete a Service |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_serviceaccount | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name} | delete a ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaced_serviceaccounts | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts | delete collection of ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | delete_namespaces | DELETE /api/v1/namespaces | delete collection of Namespace |
ApiV1 | delete_node | DELETE /api/v1/nodes/{name} | delete a Node |
ApiV1 | delete_nodes | DELETE /api/v1/nodes | delete collection of Node |
ApiV1 | delete_persistentvolume | DELETE /api/v1/persistentvolumes/{name} | delete a PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | delete_persistentvolumes | DELETE /api/v1/persistentvolumes | delete collection of PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | delete_securitycontextconstraint | DELETE /api/v1/securitycontextconstraints/{name} | delete a SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | delete_securitycontextconstraints | DELETE /api/v1/securitycontextconstraints | delete collection of SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | get_componentstatus | GET /api/v1/componentstatuses/{name} | read the specified ComponentStatus |
ApiV1 | get_namespace | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{name} | read the specified Namespace |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_configmap | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps/{name} | read the specified ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_endpoint | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints/{name} | read the specified Endpoints |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_event | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name} | read the specified Event |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_limitrange | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name} | read the specified LimitRange |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_persistentvolumeclaim | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name} | read the specified PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_pod | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name} | read the specified Pod |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_pod_log | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/log | read log of the specified Pod |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_podtemplate | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates/{name} | read the specified PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_replicationcontroller | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name} | read the specified ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_replicationcontroller_scale | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/scale | read scale of the specified Scale |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_resourcequota | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name} | read the specified ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_secret | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets/{name} | read the specified Secret |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_service | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name} | read the specified Service |
ApiV1 | get_namespaced_serviceaccount | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name} | read the specified ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | get_node | GET /api/v1/nodes/{name} | read the specified Node |
ApiV1 | get_persistentvolume | GET /api/v1/persistentvolumes/{name} | read the specified PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | get_securitycontextconstraint | GET /api/v1/securitycontextconstraints/{name} | read the specified SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | list | GET /api/v1 | get available resources |
ApiV1 | list_componentstatuses | GET /api/v1/componentstatuses | list objects of kind ComponentStatus |
ApiV1 | list_configmaps | GET /api/v1/configmaps | list or watch objects of kind ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | list_endpoints | GET /api/v1/endpoints | list or watch objects of kind Endpoints |
ApiV1 | list_events | GET /api/v1/events | list or watch objects of kind Event |
ApiV1 | list_limitranges | GET /api/v1/limitranges | list or watch objects of kind LimitRange |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_configmaps | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps | list or watch objects of kind ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_endpoints | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints | list or watch objects of kind Endpoints |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_events | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events | list or watch objects of kind Event |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_limitranges | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges | list or watch objects of kind LimitRange |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_persistentvolumeclaims | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims | list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_pods | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods | list or watch objects of kind Pod |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_podtemplates | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates | list or watch objects of kind PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_replicationcontrollers | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers | list or watch objects of kind ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_resourcequotas | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas | list or watch objects of kind ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_secrets | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets | list or watch objects of kind Secret |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_serviceaccounts | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts | list or watch objects of kind ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | list_namespaced_services | GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services | list or watch objects of kind Service |
ApiV1 | list_namespaces | GET /api/v1/namespaces | list or watch objects of kind Namespace |
ApiV1 | list_nodes | GET /api/v1/nodes | list or watch objects of kind Node |
ApiV1 | list_persistentvolumeclaims | GET /api/v1/persistentvolumeclaims | list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | list_persistentvolumes | GET /api/v1/persistentvolumes | list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | list_pods | GET /api/v1/pods | list or watch objects of kind Pod |
ApiV1 | list_podtemplates | GET /api/v1/podtemplates | list or watch objects of kind PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | list_replicationcontrollers | GET /api/v1/replicationcontrollers | list or watch objects of kind ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | list_resourcequotas | GET /api/v1/resourcequotas | list or watch objects of kind ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | list_secrets | GET /api/v1/secrets | list or watch objects of kind Secret |
ApiV1 | list_securitycontextconstraints | GET /api/v1/securitycontextconstraints | list or watch objects of kind SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | list_serviceaccounts | GET /api/v1/serviceaccounts | list or watch objects of kind ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | list_services | GET /api/v1/services | list or watch objects of kind Service |
ApiV1 | patch_namespace | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{name} | partially update the specified Namespace |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_configmap | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps/{name} | partially update the specified ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_endpoint | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints/{name} | partially update the specified Endpoints |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_event | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name} | partially update the specified Event |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_limitrange | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name} | partially update the specified LimitRange |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_persistentvolumeclaim | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name} | partially update the specified PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_pod | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name} | partially update the specified Pod |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_podtemplate | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates/{name} | partially update the specified PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_replicationcontroller | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name} | partially update the specified ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_replicationcontroller_scale | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/scale | partially update scale of the specified Scale |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_resourcequota | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name} | partially update the specified ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_secret | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets/{name} | partially update the specified Secret |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_service | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name} | partially update the specified Service |
ApiV1 | patch_namespaced_serviceaccount | PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name} | partially update the specified ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | patch_node | PATCH /api/v1/nodes/{name} | partially update the specified Node |
ApiV1 | patch_persistentvolume | PATCH /api/v1/persistentvolumes/{name} | partially update the specified PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | patch_securitycontextconstraint | PATCH /api/v1/securitycontextconstraints/{name} | partially update the specified SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | replace_namespace | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{name} | replace the specified Namespace |
ApiV1 | replace_namespace_finalize | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{name}/finalize | replace finalize of the specified Namespace |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_configmap | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps/{name} | replace the specified ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_endpoint | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints/{name} | replace the specified Endpoints |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_event | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name} | replace the specified Event |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_limitrange | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name} | replace the specified LimitRange |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_persistentvolumeclaim | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name} | replace the specified PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_pod | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name} | replace the specified Pod |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_podtemplate | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates/{name} | replace the specified PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_replicationcontroller | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name} | replace the specified ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_replicationcontroller_scale | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/scale | replace scale of the specified Scale |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_resourcequota | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name} | replace the specified ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_secret | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets/{name} | replace the specified Secret |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_service | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name} | replace the specified Service |
ApiV1 | replace_namespaced_serviceaccount | PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name} | replace the specified ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | replace_node | PUT /api/v1/nodes/{name} | replace the specified Node |
ApiV1 | replace_persistentvolume | PUT /api/v1/persistentvolumes/{name} | replace the specified PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | replace_securitycontextconstraint | PUT /api/v1/securitycontextconstraints/{name} | replace the specified SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_configmap | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_configmaps | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps | watch individual changes to a list of ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_endpoint | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Endpoints |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_endpoints | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/endpoints | watch individual changes to a list of Endpoints |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_event | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/events/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Event |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_events | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/events | watch individual changes to a list of Event |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_limitrange | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind LimitRange |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_limitranges | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges | watch individual changes to a list of LimitRange |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_persistentvolumeclaim | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_persistentvolumeclaims | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/persistentvolumeclaims | watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_pod | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Pod |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_pods | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/pods | watch individual changes to a list of Pod |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_podtemplate | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_podtemplates | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/podtemplates | watch individual changes to a list of PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_replicationcontroller | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_replicationcontrollers | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers | watch individual changes to a list of ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_resourcequota | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_resourcequotas | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas | watch individual changes to a list of ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_secret | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Secret |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_secrets | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets | watch individual changes to a list of Secret |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_service | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Service |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_serviceaccount | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_serviceaccounts | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/serviceaccounts | watch individual changes to a list of ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_services | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/services | watch individual changes to a list of Service |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_configmaps | GET /api/v1/watch/configmaps | watch individual changes to a list of ConfigMap |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_endpoints | GET /api/v1/watch/endpoints | watch individual changes to a list of Endpoints |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_events | GET /api/v1/watch/events | watch individual changes to a list of Event |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_limitranges | GET /api/v1/watch/limitranges | watch individual changes to a list of LimitRange |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_namespace | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Namespace |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_namespaces | GET /api/v1/watch/namespaces | watch individual changes to a list of Namespace |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_node | GET /api/v1/watch/nodes/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Node |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_nodes | GET /api/v1/watch/nodes | watch individual changes to a list of Node |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_persistentvolume | GET /api/v1/watch/persistentvolumes/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_persistentvolumeclaims | GET /api/v1/watch/persistentvolumeclaims | watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolumeClaim |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_persistentvolumes | GET /api/v1/watch/persistentvolumes | watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolume |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_pods | GET /api/v1/watch/pods | watch individual changes to a list of Pod |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_podtemplates | GET /api/v1/watch/podtemplates | watch individual changes to a list of PodTemplate |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_replicationcontrollers | GET /api/v1/watch/replicationcontrollers | watch individual changes to a list of ReplicationController |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_resourcequotas | GET /api/v1/watch/resourcequotas | watch individual changes to a list of ResourceQuota |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_secrets | GET /api/v1/watch/secrets | watch individual changes to a list of Secret |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_securitycontextconstraint | GET /api/v1/watch/securitycontextconstraints/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_securitycontextconstraints | GET /api/v1/watch/securitycontextconstraints | watch individual changes to a list of SecurityContextConstraints |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_serviceaccounts | GET /api/v1/watch/serviceaccounts | watch individual changes to a list of ServiceAccount |
ApiV1 | watch_watch_services | GET /api/v1/watch/services | watch individual changes to a list of Service |
Apis | get_api_versions | GET /apis | get available API versions |
ApisAutoscaling | get_api_group | GET /apis/autoscaling | get information of a group |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | create_horizontalpodautoscaler | POST /apis/autoscaling/v1/horizontalpodautoscalers | create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | create_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | POST /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | delete_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | DELETE /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | delete a HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | delete_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscalers | DELETE /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | delete collection of HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | get_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | GET /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | read the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | list | GET /apis/autoscaling/v1 | get available resources |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | list_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/autoscaling/v1/horizontalpodautoscalers | list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | list_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | patch_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | PATCH /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | partially update the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | replace_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | PUT /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | replace the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_horizontalpodautoscaler | GET /apis/autoscaling/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/autoscaling/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | watch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisAutoscalingV1 | watch_watch_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/autoscaling/v1/watch/horizontalpodautoscalers | watch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisBatch | get_api_group | GET /apis/batch | get information of a group |
ApisBatchV1 | create_job | POST /apis/batch/v1/jobs | create a Job |
ApisBatchV1 | create_namespaced_job | POST /apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | create a Job |
ApisBatchV1 | delete_namespaced_job | DELETE /apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | delete a Job |
ApisBatchV1 | delete_namespaced_jobs | DELETE /apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | delete collection of Job |
ApisBatchV1 | get_namespaced_job | GET /apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | read the specified Job |
ApisBatchV1 | list | GET /apis/batch/v1 | get available resources |
ApisBatchV1 | list_jobs | GET /apis/batch/v1/jobs | list or watch objects of kind Job |
ApisBatchV1 | list_namespaced_jobs | GET /apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | list or watch objects of kind Job |
ApisBatchV1 | patch_namespaced_job | PATCH /apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | partially update the specified Job |
ApisBatchV1 | replace_namespaced_job | PUT /apis/batch/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | replace the specified Job |
ApisBatchV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_job | GET /apis/batch/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Job |
ApisBatchV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_jobs | GET /apis/batch/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | watch individual changes to a list of Job |
ApisBatchV1 | watch_watch_jobs | GET /apis/batch/v1/watch/jobs | watch individual changes to a list of Job |
ApisExtensions | get_api_group | GET /apis/extensions | get information of a group |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_daemonset | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/daemonsets | create a DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_deployment | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/deployments | create a Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_horizontalpodautoscaler | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/horizontalpodautoscalers | create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_ingress | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/ingresses | create a Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_job | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/jobs | create a Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_namespaced_daemonset | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets | create a DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_namespaced_deployment | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments | create a Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_namespaced_deployment_rollback | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/rollback | create rollback of a DeploymentRollback |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_namespaced_ingress | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses | create a Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_namespaced_job | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | create a Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_namespaced_replicaset | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets | create a ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | create_replicaset | POST /apis/extensions/v1beta1/replicasets | create a ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_daemonset | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name} | delete a DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_daemonsets | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets | delete collection of DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_deployment | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name} | delete a Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_deployments | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments | delete collection of Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | delete a HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscalers | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | delete collection of HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_ingress | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name} | delete a Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_ingresses | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses | delete collection of Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_job | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | delete a Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_jobs | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | delete collection of Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_replicaset | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name} | delete a ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | delete_namespaced_replicasets | DELETE /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets | delete collection of ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_daemonset | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name} | read the specified DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_deployment | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name} | read the specified Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_deployment_scale | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/scale | read scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | read the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_ingress | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name} | read the specified Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_job | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | read the specified Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_replicaset | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name} | read the specified ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_replicaset_scale | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/scale | read scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | get_namespaced_replicationcontroller_scale | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/scale | read scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1 | get available resources |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_daemonsets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/daemonsets | list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_deployments | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/deployments | list or watch objects of kind Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/horizontalpodautoscalers | list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_ingresses | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/ingresses | list or watch objects of kind Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_jobs | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/jobs | list or watch objects of kind Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_namespaced_daemonsets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets | list or watch objects of kind DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_namespaced_deployments | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments | list or watch objects of kind Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | list or watch objects of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_namespaced_ingresses | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses | list or watch objects of kind Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_namespaced_jobs | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | list or watch objects of kind Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_namespaced_replicasets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets | list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | list_replicasets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/replicasets | list or watch objects of kind ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_daemonset | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name} | partially update the specified DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_deployment | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name} | partially update the specified Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_deployment_scale | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/scale | partially update scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | partially update the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_ingress | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name} | partially update the specified Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_job | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | partially update the specified Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_replicaset | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name} | partially update the specified ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_replicaset_scale | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/scale | partially update scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | patch_namespaced_replicationcontroller_scale | PATCH /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/scale | partially update scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_daemonset | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name} | replace the specified DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_deployment | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name} | replace the specified Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_deployment_scale | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/scale | replace scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_horizontalpodautoscaler | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | replace the specified HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_ingress | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name} | replace the specified Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_job | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | replace the specified Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_replicaset | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name} | replace the specified ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_replicaset_scale | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/scale | replace scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | replace_namespaced_replicationcontroller_scale | PUT /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicationcontrollers/{name}/scale | replace scale of the specified Scale |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_daemonset | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_daemonsets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets | watch individual changes to a list of DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_deployment | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_deployments | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments | watch individual changes to a list of Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_horizontalpodautoscaler | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers | watch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_ingress | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_ingresses | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses | watch individual changes to a list of Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_job | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_jobs | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/jobs | watch individual changes to a list of Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_replicaset | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_namespaced_watch_replicasets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets | watch individual changes to a list of ReplicaSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_watch_daemonsets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/daemonsets | watch individual changes to a list of DaemonSet |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_watch_deployments | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/deployments | watch individual changes to a list of Deployment |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_watch_horizontalpodautoscalers | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/horizontalpodautoscalers | watch individual changes to a list of HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_watch_ingresses | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/ingresses | watch individual changes to a list of Ingress |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_watch_jobs | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/jobs | watch individual changes to a list of Job |
ApisExtensionsV1beta1 | watch_watch_replicasets | GET /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/replicasets | watch individual changes to a list of ReplicaSet |
Controllers | func1 | GET /controllers | Check whether the controllers are running on this master |
Controllers | func2 | PUT /controllers | Start controllers on this master |
Controllers | func3 | DELETE /controllers | Stop the master |
Healthz | func1 | GET /healthz | return the health state of the master |
HealthzReady | func1 | GET /healthz/ready | return the readiness state of the master |
Oapi | func1 | GET /oapi | list supported server API versions |
OapiV1 | create_build | POST /oapi/v1/builds | create a Build |
OapiV1 | create_buildconfig | POST /oapi/v1/buildconfigs | create a BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | create_clusternetwork | POST /oapi/v1/clusternetworks | create a ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | create_clusterpolicie | POST /oapi/v1/clusterpolicies | create a ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | create_clusterpolicybinding | POST /oapi/v1/clusterpolicybindings | create a ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | create_clusterrole | POST /oapi/v1/clusterroles | create a ClusterRole |
OapiV1 | create_clusterrolebinding | POST /oapi/v1/clusterrolebindings | create a ClusterRoleBinding |
OapiV1 | create_deploymentconfig | POST /oapi/v1/deploymentconfigs | create a DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | create_deploymentconfigrollback | POST /oapi/v1/deploymentconfigrollbacks | create a DeploymentConfigRollback |
OapiV1 | create_group | POST /oapi/v1/groups | create a Group |
OapiV1 | create_hostsubnet | POST /oapi/v1/hostsubnets | create a HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | create_identitie | POST /oapi/v1/identities | create a Identity |
OapiV1 | create_image | POST /oapi/v1/images | create a Image |
OapiV1 | create_imagestream | POST /oapi/v1/imagestreams | create a ImageStream |
OapiV1 | create_imagestreamimport | POST /oapi/v1/imagestreamimports | create a ImageStreamImport |
OapiV1 | create_imagestreammapping | POST /oapi/v1/imagestreammappings | create a ImageStreamMapping |
OapiV1 | create_localresourceaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/localresourceaccessreviews | create a LocalResourceAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_localsubjectaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/localsubjectaccessreviews | create a LocalSubjectAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_build | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds | create a Build |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_build_clone | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name}/clone | create clone of a BuildRequest |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_buildconfig | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs | create a BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_buildconfig_instantiate | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name}/instantiate | create instantiate of a BuildRequest |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_buildconfig_instantiatebinary | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name}/instantiatebinary | connect POST requests to instantiatebinary of BinaryBuildRequestOptions |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_buildconfig_webhook | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name}/webhooks | connect POST requests to webhooks of Status |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_buildconfig_webhookspath | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name}/webhooks/{path} | connect POST requests to webhooks of Status |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_deploymentconfig | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs | create a DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_deploymentconfigrollback | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigrollbacks | create a DeploymentConfigRollback |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_imagestream | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams | create a ImageStream |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_imagestreamimport | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreamimports | create a ImageStreamImport |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_imagestreammapping | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreammappings | create a ImageStreamMapping |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_localresourceaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/localresourceaccessreviews | create a LocalResourceAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_localsubjectaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/localsubjectaccessreviews | create a LocalSubjectAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_policie | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policies | create a Policy |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_policybinding | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings | create a PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_processedtemplate | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/processedtemplates | create a Template |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_resourceaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourceaccessreviews | create a ResourceAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_role | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles | create a Role |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_rolebinding | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings | create a RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_route | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/routes | create a Route |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_subjectaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/subjectaccessreviews | create a SubjectAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_namespaced_template | POST /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/templates | create a Template |
OapiV1 | create_netnamespace | POST /oapi/v1/netnamespaces | create a NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | create_oauthaccesstoken | POST /oapi/v1/oauthaccesstokens | create a OAuthAccessToken |
OapiV1 | create_oauthauthorizetoken | POST /oapi/v1/oauthauthorizetokens | create a OAuthAuthorizeToken |
OapiV1 | create_oauthclient | POST /oapi/v1/oauthclients | create a OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | create_oauthclientauthorization | POST /oapi/v1/oauthclientauthorizations | create a OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | create_policie | POST /oapi/v1/policies | create a Policy |
OapiV1 | create_policybinding | POST /oapi/v1/policybindings | create a PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | create_processedtemplate | POST /oapi/v1/processedtemplates | create a Template |
OapiV1 | create_project | POST /oapi/v1/projects | create a Project |
OapiV1 | create_projectrequest | POST /oapi/v1/projectrequests | create a ProjectRequest |
OapiV1 | create_resourceaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/resourceaccessreviews | create a ResourceAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_role | POST /oapi/v1/roles | create a Role |
OapiV1 | create_rolebinding | POST /oapi/v1/rolebindings | create a RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | create_route | POST /oapi/v1/routes | create a Route |
OapiV1 | create_subjectaccessreview | POST /oapi/v1/subjectaccessreviews | create a SubjectAccessReview |
OapiV1 | create_template | POST /oapi/v1/templates | create a Template |
OapiV1 | create_user | POST /oapi/v1/users | create a User |
OapiV1 | create_useridentitymapping | POST /oapi/v1/useridentitymappings | create a UserIdentityMapping |
OapiV1 | delete_clusternetwork | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusternetworks/{name} | delete a ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | delete_clusternetworks | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusternetworks | delete collection of ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | delete_clusterpolicie | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusterpolicies/{name} | delete a ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | delete_clusterpolicies | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusterpolicies | delete collection of ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | delete_clusterpolicybinding | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusterpolicybindings/{name} | delete a ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | delete_clusterpolicybindings | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusterpolicybindings | delete collection of ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | delete_clusterrole | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusterroles/{name} | delete a ClusterRole |
OapiV1 | delete_clusterrolebinding | DELETE /oapi/v1/clusterrolebindings/{name} | delete a ClusterRoleBinding |
OapiV1 | delete_group | DELETE /oapi/v1/groups/{name} | delete a Group |
OapiV1 | delete_groups | DELETE /oapi/v1/groups | delete collection of Group |
OapiV1 | delete_hostsubnet | DELETE /oapi/v1/hostsubnets/{name} | delete a HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | delete_hostsubnets | DELETE /oapi/v1/hostsubnets | delete collection of HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | delete_identitie | DELETE /oapi/v1/identities/{name} | delete a Identity |
OapiV1 | delete_identities | DELETE /oapi/v1/identities | delete collection of Identity |
OapiV1 | delete_image | DELETE /oapi/v1/images/{name} | delete a Image |
OapiV1 | delete_images | DELETE /oapi/v1/images | delete collection of Image |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_build | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name} | delete a Build |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_buildconfig | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name} | delete a BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_buildconfigs | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs | delete collection of BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_builds | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds | delete collection of Build |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_deploymentconfig | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name} | delete a DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_deploymentconfigs | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs | delete collection of DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_imagestream | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams/{name} | delete a ImageStream |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_imagestreams | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams | delete collection of ImageStream |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_imagestreamtag | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreamtags/{name} | delete a ImageStreamTag |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_policie | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policies/{name} | delete a Policy |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_policies | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policies | delete collection of Policy |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_policybinding | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings/{name} | delete a PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_policybindings | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings | delete collection of PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_role | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name} | delete a Role |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_rolebinding | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name} | delete a RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_route | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/routes/{name} | delete a Route |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_routes | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/routes | delete collection of Route |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_template | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/templates/{name} | delete a Template |
OapiV1 | delete_namespaced_templates | DELETE /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/templates | delete collection of Template |
OapiV1 | delete_netnamespace | DELETE /oapi/v1/netnamespaces/{name} | delete a NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | delete_netnamespaces | DELETE /oapi/v1/netnamespaces | delete collection of NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | delete_oauthaccesstoken | DELETE /oapi/v1/oauthaccesstokens/{name} | delete a OAuthAccessToken |
OapiV1 | delete_oauthauthorizetoken | DELETE /oapi/v1/oauthauthorizetokens/{name} | delete a OAuthAuthorizeToken |
OapiV1 | delete_oauthclient | DELETE /oapi/v1/oauthclients/{name} | delete a OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | delete_oauthclientauthorization | DELETE /oapi/v1/oauthclientauthorizations/{name} | delete a OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | delete_oauthclientauthorizations | DELETE /oapi/v1/oauthclientauthorizations | delete collection of OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | delete_oauthclients | DELETE /oapi/v1/oauthclients | delete collection of OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | delete_project | DELETE /oapi/v1/projects/{name} | delete a Project |
OapiV1 | delete_user | DELETE /oapi/v1/users/{name} | delete a User |
OapiV1 | delete_useridentitymapping | DELETE /oapi/v1/useridentitymappings/{name} | delete a UserIdentityMapping |
OapiV1 | delete_users | DELETE /oapi/v1/users | delete collection of User |
OapiV1 | get_clusternetwork | GET /oapi/v1/clusternetworks/{name} | read the specified ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | get_clusterpolicie | GET /oapi/v1/clusterpolicies/{name} | read the specified ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | get_clusterpolicybinding | GET /oapi/v1/clusterpolicybindings/{name} | read the specified ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | get_clusterrole | GET /oapi/v1/clusterroles/{name} | read the specified ClusterRole |
OapiV1 | get_clusterrolebinding | GET /oapi/v1/clusterrolebindings/{name} | read the specified ClusterRoleBinding |
OapiV1 | get_group | GET /oapi/v1/groups/{name} | read the specified Group |
OapiV1 | get_hostsubnet | GET /oapi/v1/hostsubnets/{name} | read the specified HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | get_identitie | GET /oapi/v1/identities/{name} | read the specified Identity |
OapiV1 | get_image | GET /oapi/v1/images/{name} | read the specified Image |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_build | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name} | read the specified Build |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_build_log | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name}/log | read log of the specified BuildLog |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_buildconfig | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name} | read the specified BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_deploymentconfig | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name} | read the specified DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_deploymentconfig_log | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name}/log | read log of the specified DeploymentLog |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_deploymentconfig_scale | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name}/scale | read scale of the specified Scale |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_generatedeploymentconfig | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/generatedeploymentconfigs/{name} | read the specified DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_imagestream | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams/{name} | read the specified ImageStream |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_imagestream_secrets | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams/{name}/secrets | read secrets of the specified SecretList |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_imagestreamimage | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreamimages/{name} | read the specified ImageStreamImage |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_imagestreamtag | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreamtags/{name} | read the specified ImageStreamTag |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_policie | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policies/{name} | read the specified Policy |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_policybinding | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings/{name} | read the specified PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_role | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name} | read the specified Role |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_rolebinding | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name} | read the specified RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_route | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/routes/{name} | read the specified Route |
OapiV1 | get_namespaced_template | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/templates/{name} | read the specified Template |
OapiV1 | get_netnamespace | GET /oapi/v1/netnamespaces/{name} | read the specified NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | get_oauthaccesstoken | GET /oapi/v1/oauthaccesstokens/{name} | read the specified OAuthAccessToken |
OapiV1 | get_oauthauthorizetoken | GET /oapi/v1/oauthauthorizetokens/{name} | read the specified OAuthAuthorizeToken |
OapiV1 | get_oauthclient | GET /oapi/v1/oauthclients/{name} | read the specified OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | get_oauthclientauthorization | GET /oapi/v1/oauthclientauthorizations/{name} | read the specified OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | get_project | GET /oapi/v1/projects/{name} | read the specified Project |
OapiV1 | get_user | GET /oapi/v1/users/{name} | read the specified User |
OapiV1 | get_useridentitymapping | GET /oapi/v1/useridentitymappings/{name} | read the specified UserIdentityMapping |
OapiV1 | list | GET /oapi/v1 | get available resources |
OapiV1 | list_buildconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/buildconfigs | list or watch objects of kind BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | list_builds | GET /oapi/v1/builds | list or watch objects of kind Build |
OapiV1 | list_clusternetworks | GET /oapi/v1/clusternetworks | list or watch objects of kind ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | list_clusterpolicies | GET /oapi/v1/clusterpolicies | list or watch objects of kind ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | list_clusterpolicybindings | GET /oapi/v1/clusterpolicybindings | list or watch objects of kind ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | list_clusterrolebindings | GET /oapi/v1/clusterrolebindings | list objects of kind ClusterRoleBinding |
OapiV1 | list_clusterroles | GET /oapi/v1/clusterroles | list objects of kind ClusterRole |
OapiV1 | list_deploymentconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/deploymentconfigs | list or watch objects of kind DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | list_groups | GET /oapi/v1/groups | list or watch objects of kind Group |
OapiV1 | list_hostsubnets | GET /oapi/v1/hostsubnets | list or watch objects of kind HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | list_identities | GET /oapi/v1/identities | list or watch objects of kind Identity |
OapiV1 | list_images | GET /oapi/v1/images | list or watch objects of kind Image |
OapiV1 | list_imagestreams | GET /oapi/v1/imagestreams | list or watch objects of kind ImageStream |
OapiV1 | list_imagestreamtags | GET /oapi/v1/imagestreamtags | list objects of kind ImageStreamTag |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_buildconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs | list or watch objects of kind BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_builds | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds | list or watch objects of kind Build |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_deploymentconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs | list or watch objects of kind DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_imagestreams | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams | list or watch objects of kind ImageStream |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_imagestreamtags | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreamtags | list objects of kind ImageStreamTag |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_policies | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policies | list or watch objects of kind Policy |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_policybindings | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings | list or watch objects of kind PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_rolebindings | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings | list objects of kind RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_roles | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles | list objects of kind Role |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_routes | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/routes | list or watch objects of kind Route |
OapiV1 | list_namespaced_templates | GET /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/templates | list or watch objects of kind Template |
OapiV1 | list_netnamespaces | GET /oapi/v1/netnamespaces | list or watch objects of kind NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | list_oauthaccesstokens | GET /oapi/v1/oauthaccesstokens | list objects of kind OAuthAccessToken |
OapiV1 | list_oauthauthorizetokens | GET /oapi/v1/oauthauthorizetokens | list objects of kind OAuthAuthorizeToken |
OapiV1 | list_oauthclientauthorizations | GET /oapi/v1/oauthclientauthorizations | list or watch objects of kind OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | list_oauthclients | GET /oapi/v1/oauthclients | list or watch objects of kind OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | list_policies | GET /oapi/v1/policies | list or watch objects of kind Policy |
OapiV1 | list_policybindings | GET /oapi/v1/policybindings | list or watch objects of kind PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | list_projectrequests | GET /oapi/v1/projectrequests | list objects of kind ProjectRequest |
OapiV1 | list_projects | GET /oapi/v1/projects | list objects of kind Project |
OapiV1 | list_rolebindings | GET /oapi/v1/rolebindings | list objects of kind RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | list_roles | GET /oapi/v1/roles | list objects of kind Role |
OapiV1 | list_routes | GET /oapi/v1/routes | list or watch objects of kind Route |
OapiV1 | list_templates | GET /oapi/v1/templates | list or watch objects of kind Template |
OapiV1 | list_users | GET /oapi/v1/users | list or watch objects of kind User |
OapiV1 | patch_clusternetwork | PATCH /oapi/v1/clusternetworks/{name} | partially update the specified ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | patch_clusterpolicie | PATCH /oapi/v1/clusterpolicies/{name} | partially update the specified ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | patch_clusterpolicybinding | PATCH /oapi/v1/clusterpolicybindings/{name} | partially update the specified ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | patch_clusterrole | PATCH /oapi/v1/clusterroles/{name} | partially update the specified ClusterRole |
OapiV1 | patch_clusterrolebinding | PATCH /oapi/v1/clusterrolebindings/{name} | partially update the specified ClusterRoleBinding |
OapiV1 | patch_group | PATCH /oapi/v1/groups/{name} | partially update the specified Group |
OapiV1 | patch_hostsubnet | PATCH /oapi/v1/hostsubnets/{name} | partially update the specified HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | patch_identitie | PATCH /oapi/v1/identities/{name} | partially update the specified Identity |
OapiV1 | patch_image | PATCH /oapi/v1/images/{name} | partially update the specified Image |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_build | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name} | partially update the specified Build |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_buildconfig | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name} | partially update the specified BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_deploymentconfig | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name} | partially update the specified DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_deploymentconfig_scale | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name}/scale | partially update scale of the specified Scale |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_imagestream | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams/{name} | partially update the specified ImageStream |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_imagestreamtag | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreamtags/{name} | partially update the specified ImageStreamTag |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_policie | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policies/{name} | partially update the specified Policy |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_policybinding | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings/{name} | partially update the specified PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_role | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name} | partially update the specified Role |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_rolebinding | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name} | partially update the specified RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_route | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/routes/{name} | partially update the specified Route |
OapiV1 | patch_namespaced_template | PATCH /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/templates/{name} | partially update the specified Template |
OapiV1 | patch_netnamespace | PATCH /oapi/v1/netnamespaces/{name} | partially update the specified NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | patch_oauthclient | PATCH /oapi/v1/oauthclients/{name} | partially update the specified OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | patch_oauthclientauthorization | PATCH /oapi/v1/oauthclientauthorizations/{name} | partially update the specified OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | patch_project | PATCH /oapi/v1/projects/{name} | partially update the specified Project |
OapiV1 | patch_user | PATCH /oapi/v1/users/{name} | partially update the specified User |
OapiV1 | patch_useridentitymapping | PATCH /oapi/v1/useridentitymappings/{name} | partially update the specified UserIdentityMapping |
OapiV1 | replace_clusternetwork | PUT /oapi/v1/clusternetworks/{name} | replace the specified ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | replace_clusterpolicie | PUT /oapi/v1/clusterpolicies/{name} | replace the specified ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | replace_clusterpolicybinding | PUT /oapi/v1/clusterpolicybindings/{name} | replace the specified ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | replace_clusterrole | PUT /oapi/v1/clusterroles/{name} | replace the specified ClusterRole |
OapiV1 | replace_clusterrolebinding | PUT /oapi/v1/clusterrolebindings/{name} | replace the specified ClusterRoleBinding |
OapiV1 | replace_group | PUT /oapi/v1/groups/{name} | replace the specified Group |
OapiV1 | replace_hostsubnet | PUT /oapi/v1/hostsubnets/{name} | replace the specified HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | replace_identitie | PUT /oapi/v1/identities/{name} | replace the specified Identity |
OapiV1 | replace_image | PUT /oapi/v1/images/{name} | replace the specified Image |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_build | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name} | replace the specified Build |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_build_details | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name}/details | replace details of the specified Build |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_buildconfig | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name} | replace the specified BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_deploymentconfig | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name} | replace the specified DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_deploymentconfig_scale | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name}/scale | replace scale of the specified Scale |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_imagestream | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams/{name} | replace the specified ImageStream |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_imagestreamtag | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreamtags/{name} | replace the specified ImageStreamTag |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_policie | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policies/{name} | replace the specified Policy |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_policybinding | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings/{name} | replace the specified PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_role | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/roles/{name} | replace the specified Role |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_rolebinding | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rolebindings/{name} | replace the specified RoleBinding |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_route | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/routes/{name} | replace the specified Route |
OapiV1 | replace_namespaced_template | PUT /oapi/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/templates/{name} | replace the specified Template |
OapiV1 | replace_netnamespace | PUT /oapi/v1/netnamespaces/{name} | replace the specified NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | replace_oauthclient | PUT /oapi/v1/oauthclients/{name} | replace the specified OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | replace_oauthclientauthorization | PUT /oapi/v1/oauthclientauthorizations/{name} | replace the specified OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | replace_project | PUT /oapi/v1/projects/{name} | replace the specified Project |
OapiV1 | replace_user | PUT /oapi/v1/users/{name} | replace the specified User |
OapiV1 | replace_useridentitymapping | PUT /oapi/v1/useridentitymappings/{name} | replace the specified UserIdentityMapping |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_build | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/builds/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Build |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_buildconfig | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_buildconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/buildconfigs | watch individual changes to a list of BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_builds | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/builds | watch individual changes to a list of Build |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_deploymentconfig | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_deploymentconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs | watch individual changes to a list of DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_imagestream | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ImageStream |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_imagestreams | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/imagestreams | watch individual changes to a list of ImageStream |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_policie | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/policies/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Policy |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_policies | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/policies | watch individual changes to a list of Policy |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_policybinding | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_policybindings | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/policybindings | watch individual changes to a list of PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_route | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/routes/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Route |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_routes | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/routes | watch individual changes to a list of Route |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_template | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/templates/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Template |
OapiV1 | watch_namespaced_watch_templates | GET /oapi/v1/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/templates | watch individual changes to a list of Template |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_buildconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/watch/buildconfigs | watch individual changes to a list of BuildConfig |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_builds | GET /oapi/v1/watch/builds | watch individual changes to a list of Build |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_clusternetwork | GET /oapi/v1/watch/clusternetworks/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_clusternetworks | GET /oapi/v1/watch/clusternetworks | watch individual changes to a list of ClusterNetwork |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_clusterpolicie | GET /oapi/v1/watch/clusterpolicies/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_clusterpolicies | GET /oapi/v1/watch/clusterpolicies | watch individual changes to a list of ClusterPolicy |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_clusterpolicybinding | GET /oapi/v1/watch/clusterpolicybindings/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_clusterpolicybindings | GET /oapi/v1/watch/clusterpolicybindings | watch individual changes to a list of ClusterPolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_deploymentconfigs | GET /oapi/v1/watch/deploymentconfigs | watch individual changes to a list of DeploymentConfig |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_group | GET /oapi/v1/watch/groups/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Group |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_groups | GET /oapi/v1/watch/groups | watch individual changes to a list of Group |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_hostsubnet | GET /oapi/v1/watch/hostsubnets/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_hostsubnets | GET /oapi/v1/watch/hostsubnets | watch individual changes to a list of HostSubnet |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_identitie | GET /oapi/v1/watch/identities/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Identity |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_identities | GET /oapi/v1/watch/identities | watch individual changes to a list of Identity |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_image | GET /oapi/v1/watch/images/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind Image |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_images | GET /oapi/v1/watch/images | watch individual changes to a list of Image |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_imagestreams | GET /oapi/v1/watch/imagestreams | watch individual changes to a list of ImageStream |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_netnamespace | GET /oapi/v1/watch/netnamespaces/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_netnamespaces | GET /oapi/v1/watch/netnamespaces | watch individual changes to a list of NetNamespace |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_oauthclient | GET /oapi/v1/watch/oauthclients/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_oauthclientauthorization | GET /oapi/v1/watch/oauthclientauthorizations/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_oauthclientauthorizations | GET /oapi/v1/watch/oauthclientauthorizations | watch individual changes to a list of OAuthClientAuthorization |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_oauthclients | GET /oapi/v1/watch/oauthclients | watch individual changes to a list of OAuthClient |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_policies | GET /oapi/v1/watch/policies | watch individual changes to a list of Policy |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_policybindings | GET /oapi/v1/watch/policybindings | watch individual changes to a list of PolicyBinding |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_routes | GET /oapi/v1/watch/routes | watch individual changes to a list of Route |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_templates | GET /oapi/v1/watch/templates | watch individual changes to a list of Template |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_user | GET /oapi/v1/watch/users/{name} | watch changes to an object of kind User |
OapiV1 | watch_watch_users | GET /oapi/v1/watch/users | watch individual changes to a list of User |
Osapi | func1 | GET /osapi | list supported server API versions |
Version | get_code_version | GET /version | get the code version |
- Integer
- JsonWatchEvent
- PatchObject
- RuntimeRawExtension
- UnversionedListMeta
- UnversionedPatch
- UnversionedStatus
- UnversionedStatusCause
- UnversionedStatusDetails
- V1AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource
- V1AzureFileVolumeSource
- V1BinaryBuildSource
- V1Binding
- V1Build
- V1BuildConfig
- V1BuildConfigList
- V1BuildConfigSpec
- V1BuildConfigStatus
- V1BuildList
- V1BuildLog
- V1BuildOutput
- V1BuildPostCommitSpec
- V1BuildRequest
- V1BuildSource
- V1BuildSpec
- V1BuildStatus
- V1BuildStrategy
- V1BuildTriggerPolicy
- V1Capabilities
- V1Capability
- V1CephFSVolumeSource
- V1CinderVolumeSource
- V1ClusterNetwork
- V1ClusterNetworkList
- V1ClusterPolicy
- V1ClusterPolicyBinding
- V1ClusterPolicyBindingList
- V1ClusterPolicyList
- V1ClusterRole
- V1ClusterRoleBinding
- V1ClusterRoleBindingList
- V1ClusterRoleList
- V1ComponentCondition
- V1ComponentStatus
- V1ComponentStatusList
- V1ConfigMap
- V1ConfigMapKeySelector
- V1ConfigMapList
- V1ConfigMapVolumeSource
- V1Container
- V1ContainerImage
- V1ContainerPort
- V1ContainerState
- V1ContainerStateRunning
- V1ContainerStateTerminated
- V1ContainerStateWaiting
- V1ContainerStatus
- V1CrossVersionObjectReference
- V1CustomBuildStrategy
- V1CustomDeploymentStrategyParams
- V1DaemonEndpoint
- V1DeleteOptions
- V1DeploymentCause
- V1DeploymentCauseImageTrigger
- V1DeploymentConfig
- V1DeploymentConfigList
- V1DeploymentConfigRollback
- V1DeploymentConfigRollbackSpec
- V1DeploymentConfigSpec
- V1DeploymentConfigStatus
- V1DeploymentDetails
- V1DeploymentLog
- V1DeploymentStrategy
- V1DeploymentTriggerImageChangeParams
- V1DeploymentTriggerPolicy
- V1DockerBuildStrategy
- V1DownwardAPIVolumeFile
- V1DownwardAPIVolumeSource
- V1EmptyDirVolumeSource
- V1EndpointAddress
- V1EndpointPort
- V1EndpointSubset
- V1Endpoints
- V1EndpointsList
- V1EnvVar
- V1EnvVarSource
- V1Event
- V1EventList
- V1EventSource
- V1ExecAction
- V1ExecNewPodHook
- V1FCVolumeSource
- V1FSGroupStrategyOptions
- V1FSType
- V1FinalizerName
- V1FlexVolumeSource
- V1FlockerVolumeSource
- V1GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource
- V1GitBuildSource
- V1GitRepoVolumeSource
- V1GitSourceRevision
- V1GlusterfsVolumeSource
- V1Group
- V1GroupList
- V1HTTPGetAction
- V1HTTPHeader
- V1Handler
- V1HorizontalPodAutoscaler
- V1HorizontalPodAutoscalerList
- V1HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec
- V1HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus
- V1HostPathVolumeSource
- V1HostSubnet
- V1HostSubnetList
- V1IDRange
- V1ISCSIVolumeSource
- V1Identity
- V1IdentityList
- V1Image
- V1ImageChangeTrigger
- V1ImageImportSpec
- V1ImageImportStatus
- V1ImageLayer
- V1ImageList
- V1ImageSource
- V1ImageSourcePath
- V1ImageStream
- V1ImageStreamImage
- V1ImageStreamImport
- V1ImageStreamImportSpec
- V1ImageStreamImportStatus
- V1ImageStreamList
- V1ImageStreamMapping
- V1ImageStreamSpec
- V1ImageStreamStatus
- V1ImageStreamTag
- V1ImageStreamTagList
- V1Job
- V1JobCondition
- V1JobList
- V1JobSpec
- V1JobStatus
- V1KeyToPath
- V1LabelSelector
- V1LabelSelectorRequirement
- V1Lifecycle
- V1LifecycleHook
- V1LimitRange
- V1LimitRangeItem
- V1LimitRangeList
- V1LimitRangeSpec
- V1LoadBalancerIngress
- V1LoadBalancerStatus
- V1LocalObjectReference
- V1LocalResourceAccessReview
- V1LocalSubjectAccessReview
- V1MetadataFile
- V1MetadataVolumeSource
- V1NFSVolumeSource
- V1NamedClusterRole
- V1NamedClusterRoleBinding
- V1NamedRole
- V1NamedRoleBinding
- V1NamedTagEventList
- V1Namespace
- V1NamespaceList
- V1NamespaceSpec
- V1NamespaceStatus
- V1NetNamespace
- V1NetNamespaceList
- V1Node
- V1NodeAddress
- V1NodeCondition
- V1NodeDaemonEndpoints
- V1NodeList
- V1NodeSpec
- V1NodeStatus
- V1NodeSystemInfo
- V1OAuthAccessToken
- V1OAuthAccessTokenList
- V1OAuthAuthorizeToken
- V1OAuthAuthorizeTokenList
- V1OAuthClient
- V1OAuthClientAuthorization
- V1OAuthClientAuthorizationList
- V1OAuthClientList
- V1ObjectFieldSelector
- V1ObjectMeta
- V1ObjectReference
- V1Parameter
- V1PersistentVolume
- V1PersistentVolumeAccessMode
- V1PersistentVolumeClaim
- V1PersistentVolumeClaimList
- V1PersistentVolumeClaimSpec
- V1PersistentVolumeClaimStatus
- V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource
- V1PersistentVolumeList
- V1PersistentVolumeSpec
- V1PersistentVolumeStatus
- V1Pod
- V1PodCondition
- V1PodList
- V1PodSecurityContext
- V1PodSpec
- V1PodStatus
- V1PodTemplate
- V1PodTemplateList
- V1PodTemplateSpec
- V1Policy
- V1PolicyBinding
- V1PolicyBindingList
- V1PolicyList
- V1PolicyRule
- V1Probe
- V1Project
- V1ProjectList
- V1ProjectRequest
- V1ProjectSpec
- V1ProjectStatus
- V1RBDVolumeSource
- V1RecreateDeploymentStrategyParams
- V1ReplicationController
- V1ReplicationControllerList
- V1ReplicationControllerSpec
- V1ReplicationControllerStatus
- V1RepositoryImportSpec
- V1RepositoryImportStatus
- V1ResourceAccessReview
- V1ResourceQuota
- V1ResourceQuotaList
- V1ResourceQuotaScope
- V1ResourceQuotaSpec
- V1ResourceQuotaStatus
- V1ResourceRequirements
- V1Role
- V1RoleBinding
- V1RoleBindingList
- V1RoleList
- V1RollingDeploymentStrategyParams
- V1Route
- V1RouteIngress
- V1RouteIngressCondition
- V1RouteList
- V1RoutePort
- V1RouteSpec
- V1RouteStatus
- V1RunAsUserStrategyOptions
- V1SELinuxContextStrategyOptions
- V1SELinuxOptions
- V1Scale
- V1ScaleSpec
- V1ScaleStatus
- V1Secret
- V1SecretBuildSource
- V1SecretKeySelector
- V1SecretList
- V1SecretSpec
- V1SecretVolumeSource
- V1SecurityContext
- V1SecurityContextConstraints
- V1SecurityContextConstraintsList
- V1Service
- V1ServiceAccount
- V1ServiceAccountList
- V1ServiceList
- V1ServicePort
- V1ServiceSpec
- V1ServiceStatus
- V1SourceBuildStrategy
- V1SourceControlUser
- V1SourceRevision
- V1SubjectAccessReview
- V1SupplementalGroupsStrategyOptions
- V1TCPSocketAction
- V1TLSConfig
- V1TagEvent
- V1TagEventCondition
- V1TagImageHook
- V1TagImportPolicy
- V1TagReference
- V1Template
- V1TemplateList
- V1User
- V1UserIdentityMapping
- V1UserList
- V1Volume
- V1VolumeMount
- V1WebHookTrigger
- V1beta1CPUTargetUtilization
- V1beta1DaemonSet
- V1beta1DaemonSetList
- V1beta1DaemonSetSpec
- V1beta1DaemonSetStatus
- V1beta1Deployment
- V1beta1DeploymentList
- V1beta1DeploymentRollback
- V1beta1DeploymentSpec
- V1beta1DeploymentStatus
- V1beta1DeploymentStrategy
- V1beta1HTTPIngressPath
- V1beta1HTTPIngressRuleValue
- V1beta1HorizontalPodAutoscaler
- V1beta1HorizontalPodAutoscalerList
- V1beta1HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec
- V1beta1HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus
- V1beta1Ingress
- V1beta1IngressBackend
- V1beta1IngressList
- V1beta1IngressRule
- V1beta1IngressSpec
- V1beta1IngressStatus
- V1beta1IngressTLS
- V1beta1Job
- V1beta1JobCondition
- V1beta1JobList
- V1beta1JobSpec
- V1beta1JobStatus
- V1beta1LabelSelector
- V1beta1LabelSelectorRequirement
- V1beta1ReplicaSet
- V1beta1ReplicaSetList
- V1beta1ReplicaSetSpec
- V1beta1ReplicaSetStatus
- V1beta1RollbackConfig
- V1beta1RollingUpdateDeployment
- V1beta1Scale
- V1beta1ScaleSpec
- V1beta1ScaleStatus
- V1beta1SubresourceReference
All endpoints do not require authorization.
The generation of this library requires a modified version of swagger-codegen that is available at: