Step 1: CreateSurfdataDomainNetcdf.ipynb: creates surface and domain netcdfs for user defined resolution and area of interest from a coarse global domain and surface dataset. This python notebook was generated following the MATLAB scripts by Gautam Bisht:
Step 2: Update_surfdata.ipynb: updates surface dataset (generated in Step 1 using coarse resolution global surface dataset) with high resolution (1km) data.
Step 3: Surf_Domain_insideWS.ipynb: creates surface/domain dataset within shapefile boundary using domain (generated in Step1) and updated surface dataset (generated in Step 2).
Step 4: ELM_documentation.ipynb contains steps to set up an ELM case on NERSC and submit run for spin up and transient cases. batch script to submit job on NERSC using previously generated domain and surface datasets.
Step 5: Plot_spinup_outputs.ipynb plots spinup results to check if the model becomes stable. Plot_ELM_outputs.ipynb example script to plot temporal and spatial outputs. Make_GIF.ipynb example script to generate gif using time series spatial plots.