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Starting a Trial

webbhm edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Starting a Trial

An experiment is an analysis activity, the comparing of results from a control against the data from a test. Thus an experiment is something done after all the growing is finished, and could actually be done by someone who has never grown anything (ie. comparing data from other people's activities). Thus, the process of controlled growth is somehting I call a trial. A trial is the controlled growth of of one or more plants under the same conditions (genetics, light, temperature, nutrients, etc.). A trial is grown in a 'field' (the MVP box), both the field and trial have a unique id. A trial is associated with a recipe, the description of what is to be grown (the plant), and the instructions on how to grow it (light, temperature, nutrients, etc.)

{'field':{{'field_id':uuid},'trial':{{'trial_id':uuid}, 'start_date':{timestamp}}, 'recipe':{'recipe_id':uuid}}

A trial is an activity (ie. it has a start date), but also acts like a location to identify a group of plants (ie. 'plots'). The 'field' is defined as having a group of plots, the individual wells or plant pillows located in the box. These may be identified as rows and column or position numbers. A field may have one or more trials, each plant may be a separate trial (ie different plant type or different nutrient pillow); thus a trial needs to identify which plots of the field are being used at this time for this trial.

{'field':{{'field_id':uuid},'trials':{1:{'trial_id': uuid, 'start_date':{timestamp}, 'recipe':{'recipe_id':uuid}, 'plots':[1,2,3]}, 2:{'trial_id': uuid, 'start_date':{timestamp}, 'recipe':{'recipe_id':uuid}, 'plots':[4,5,6]}}}