Releases: fzyukio/koe
Releases · fzyukio/koe
April 2021 Release
New stuff
- Spectrograms are now paged (stored separately in folders not exceeding 1000 spectrograms each) so the load time is vastly improved
- Features can now be aggregated by min, max, var, begin and end values
- Added parameters to database model which can be set at the creation of the database, or changed in database management
- Change feature extraction to use database's specific NFFT and overlap
- Spectrogram preferences (colour map, zoom, etc...) are now saved - no need to change them each time you open a new file
- Spectrogram now has y-axis
- Added script to export koe syllables to Excel, including spectrogram
- Apply bandpass filter in feature extraction
- Make Koe compatible with Python 3.9, Mac Big Sur, and Apple Silicon (must use conda-forge)
- Koe's docker images are now truly handsfree, no more messing with project settings on-site
Fixed stuff
- Fixed various problems with spectrograms not being generated when importing CSV
- Fix inconsistency in file's sampling rate across: original WAV, converted MP3 and Browser's default sampling rate
- Use 2 decimal points for segment start and end times
- Fix bug: end_ms > duration
- Fix various bugs when upload raw recording
- Fix fundamental frequency not returning correct value when the database has bandpass filter
2020 April release
New stuff
- Report bugs or suggest features by chatting with us directly at (just hit the Send message button). You can still email us at [email protected] if you prefer.
- A new Frequently Asked Questions page ( We will update this regularly.
- Import unit segmentation start/end points. If you have already segmented units using other software, you can import the unit segmentation start/end point data into Koe, and avoid doing it over again in Koe. This is now properly documented on the wiki:
- Automatically split long wav files into smaller chunks. Some of us work with very long, cumbersome recordings. Yukio has made a handy tool which allows you to automatically split long
files into sections of specified length, with a specified amount of overlap between sections. This is a standalone tool, not inside of Koe (because it runs on your computer, not in your browser). To run the tool you will need to install Python. After that it's just a simple line of code that you type into your command prompt. The tool and instructions are here: - Database hierarchy makes more sense. If you change
column info associated with an individual animal, the changes will be reflected for all rows in the table belonging to that individual (you may need to refresh your browser to see the change propagate). This prevents mistakes, such as the same individual being ascribed male sex in some rows and female sex in other rows. It also means you only have to enter sex and species information for an individual in one row, saving time. - New
data column—to record the date a recording was added to the database. Handy for finding recent files versus files added a long time ago. - Filter data by date. You can now filter your data in Classify & manage units > Unit table by date in Date of record and Added columns. Use this format, e.g.
date: from(2015-01-01)to(2018-12-31)
- Users can now delete databases
- Species name column is no longer constrained to two-part Genus species naming scheme; name species any way you want
Fixed stuff
- Audio upload issues are fixed. This includes issues with uploading large files.
- Audio playback issues are fixed. Audio sometimes did not play in View all songs
- Missing spectrograms issue is fixed. Some users experienced missing spectrograms.
- Download songs button (in View all songs) is fixed
- Manually re-ordered columns now keep their custom order after refresh
2019 October Release
5.0.0 Fix reading chunk of wavfile if number of channels > 1 (another funct…