Server starter code for project 3
- clone this repo down directly, do not fork it
- you can use
git clone < cloning url > < your project name >
to name the directory it is cloned into
- you can use
- cd into the directory you just cloned
- run
rm -rf .git
to delete the git repo - run
git init
to create a fresh git repo - add and commit the code
- create a new repo on github that will be your origin and your group's upstream
- copy the code chunk from github "...or push an existing repository from the command line."
- share the repos url with your teammates so they can fork it
- fork your backend repo manger's code
- clone your fork of the code and cd into the directory
- run
git remote add upstream < your frontend repo manager's cloning url >
- check your work with
git remote -v
should refer to your forkupstream
should refer to your git manager's repo
touch .env
- add the following to the
# jwt secret for signing json web tokens -- can be any string
- run
npm i
to install the required packages - run
ornode .
start the server