Node demonstrating Sobel filtering
Make sure you have a webcam, a linux webcam driver, and opencv installed
Install the package "video_stream_opencv"
catkin build
roslaunch cv_examples sobel_convert.launch
You should then see a camera stream of your webcam and then another stream with a simple sobel filter applied
If you do not, your camera driver may not be working or you may have to edit the subscription inside of cv_examples/src/sobel_converter.cpp from "/camera/image_raw" to another topic that your video_stream_opencv node is publishing to.
Go to sobel_converter.cpp and alter the settings of the opencv functions under "Apply SOBEL filter, bring up window, and publish it"
Go to sobel_converter.cpp and sobel_get.cpp and comment out the cv::imshow(...) functions near the end of the code