Building a Flask RESTful API to use in web and mobile apps and learning the framework.
The project is basically a platform to register abandoned dogs and allow interested people to adopt them.
Feel free to fork and help with the project. :)
- First off, you need to clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd DogAdoption-Backend
$ git checkout dev
- Then you need to create your virtual environment, virtualenvwrapper is recommended:
$ mkvirtualenv DogAdoption
- Now we install some dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the database as you wish described in project.config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI.
Example: My development db url is 'postgresql://postgres:@localhost/dog_adoption' so 'dog_adoption' database must be created.
- Then we sync the database with our models:
$ ./ db init
$ ./ db migrate
$ ./ db upgrade
- By this time everything should be fine so just type:
$ ./
This application is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to remix, adapt and redistribute it, however, please credit the original authors