An emulation of the Intel 8080 CPU architecture
Intel8080 OpCode Reference List
With the help of the references above, I fully implemented a disassembler for the Intel 8080 instruction set
If you wish to run it:
- cd /src/disassembler/ (cd into the correct folder)
- gcc disassembler.c -o disassembler (run gcc compiler)
- ./disassembler
Your results should look like the screenshot below. However, if you wish to have a complete & thorough comparison use this reference to the complete Space Invaders' code
Similarly, I implemented an emulator for the Intel8080 CPU architecture. At this stage I've implemented the 50 suggested opcodes that will read and run Space Invaders.
If you wish to run it:
- cd /src/spaceinvader-emulator (cd into the correct folder)
- gcc emulator.c -o emulator (run gcc compiler)
- ./emulator
Your results should look like the screenshot below. I've used this Javascript based emulator for step by step analysis.