REST API built end-to-end from scratch using the latest innovations from .NET 5, Docker, Kubernets, Azure, Post and Visual Studio Code. The API will be written in C#. The project was presented by Julio Casal in the video tutorial on FreeCodeCamp's Youtube channel
This project was developed with the following technologies:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository folder and install dependencies
$ cd Catalog.Api
# Run
$ dotnet restore
# Go to the repository folder and build the docker file
$ cd Catalog.Api
$ docker build -t catalog:v1 .
# You need to be logged in to the docker
$ docker tag catalog:v1 yourUserDocker/catalog:v1
$ docker push yourUserDocker/catalog:v1
# Open the project with VScode, in the Catalog.Api project in the Kubernets folder edit the catalog.yaml file
# On line 16 in image change to yourUserDocker/catalog:v1
image: yourUserDocker/catalog:v1
# Go to the repository folder and create your secrets kubernets
$ cd kubernetes
$ kubectl create secret generic catalog-secrets --from-literal=mongodb-password='YourPassword'
# Run catalog.yaml and mongodb.yaml files
$ kubectl apply -f catalog.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f mongodb.yaml
# Check status of pods
$ kubectl get pods
# Your pods were more or less like this
catalog-deployment-55c868ffdb-rmz8l 0/1 Running 0 28s
mongodb-statefulset-0 1/1 Running 0 15s
# Now on Postman test the Api, for example:
GET - http://localhost:31111/items
POST - http://localhost:31111/items
- Make a fork;
- Clone the forked repository;
- Create a branch with your feature:
git checkout -b my-feature
; - Commit changes:
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
; - Make a push to your branch:
git push -u origin my-feature
; - Create a PR from your branch to my branch.
After merging your receipt request to done, you can delete a branch from yours.
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.
Made with β₯ by Gabriel Vieira π Get in touch!`