Advent of Code 2022, in Fortran, using fpm, stdlib, and various other dependencies.
Run day01 with e.g.
fpm run day01
Note day09 uses the stdlib_hashmaps
module. Compiling this requires special
export FPM_FFLAGS="-O3 -fno-range-check"
fpm run day09
On day 11 I used a queue datastructure, modified from flibs. Compiling this required preprocessng as well.
export FPM_FFLAGS="-O3 -fno-range-check -cpp"
fpm run day11
Beware with current setup, fpm does not recompile appropriately if the included code app/ changes. I'm not sure how to get that to work - but a work-around is to delete the build directory.
Day 12 was implemented using priority queues (or heaps), with 2 different implementations - the first attempt using the kdtree2 library, and the second attempt using mheap_template which also requires preprocessing.
Day 13 (part 1) segfaults with gfortran but works with ifort if we compile manually:
ifort -fpp -check bounds -g -pg -o problem_sources/day13 problem_sources/day13.f90