This application facilitates the creation of a ova based virtal machine.
- Linux
- Virtualbox (Latest release 4.2.14 has a bug causing vagrant to fail)
- Vagrant ( version 1.2.2+)
- Python 2.7.x
- Paramiko
Currently this code line is based around the VM build process.
usage: Generate a Vagrant VM Build. [-h] [--template= TEMPLATE] [--dest DEST]
[--key KEY] [--level LEVEL]
positional arguments:
VERSION Version to build.
BUILD Build to locate on staging.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--template= TEMPLATE Template to use for the Build.
--dest DEST The destination to create the Build.
--key KEY SSH Key to use to get file from staging.
--level LEVEL Set Logging level.
To build default 32bit Ubuntu VM:
./ --dest ~/VMbuildDir --json HPCCSystemsVM_GM_NM_WS.json
--gm-version 5.0.2-1 --nm-version 5.0.2-1 --wssql-version 5.0.2-rc1 5.0.2-1 CE-Candidate-5.0.2
To build 64bit Ubuntu VM:
./ --json HPCCSystemsVM64_GM_NM_WS.json --dest ~/VMbuildDir64
--gm-version 5.0.2-1 --nm-version 5.0.2-1 --wssql-version 5.0.2-rc1 5.0.2-1 CE-Candidate-5.0.2
To configure, modify HPCCSystemsVM.json.
Currently only two stagingMethod works, "ssh" or "http".