A cli tool for notenmanagement.htl-braunau.at written in Rust (based on a class assignment).
cargo install --path .
# Print an overview of all commands and flags
htlnm -h
# Print help menu for data that can be fetched
htlnm get -h
# Login to the API
htlnm -l -u john.doe -p 'myPA$$W0RD'
# Print the login response (can returned cached data without the -l flag)
htlnm get login
# Fetch student data
htlnm get student
Then login response is cached in the app's config file: ~/.config/htlnm/config.json
(path depending on the OS).
# install cargo watch
cargo install cargo-watch
# rerun tool when a file changes
cargo watch -x 'run -- get student'