- Italy - Salerno
RadioDSP-Pico Public
Audio Filter DSP for Shorthwave Receiver. This Is a Digital Signal Processing to compute the audio of a Radio receiver. The project Is based on the Raspberry Pico pi board. The project implements s…
PicoPi-Demodulator Public
This is a demodulator multimode AM SSB CW for quadrature input signal (es. taken from ElkSDR-UNO receiver or QRPLab Receiver o similar).
arduino-hamradio-watch Public
This is an OpenSource project based on Arduino platform, for building a smart watch with some functions: OLED Display, clock RTC, Satellite pass prediction routine, Moon phase routine, multi Alarms…
ElkSDR-UNO Public
This is a simple SDR receiver based on Elektor SDR module and other two modules: Arduino UNO and DF Robot display & buttons for controller. See the pictures and video .
DSP-Stuff Public
This project define a space on which to share components, algorithms and exercises concerning the world of digital signal analysis, this includes SDR techniques, Audio and Video manipulation, contr…
DSPham Public
Forked from grahamwhaley/DSPhamA Teensy based DSP audio processor
AudioSDR Public
Forked from DerekRowell/AudioSDRA Teensy Audio Library class for a complete SDR demod/processor
RadioDSP_SDR_RX Public
This project define a simple shortwave all mode and general coverage Software Defined Radio receiver.
RadioDSP-MINI-Stm32f407 Public
DSP for shortwave receivers with dynamic filtering capability - Pass Band Tuning, AGC and DNR
ESP32Audio Public
Forked from macaba/ESP32AudioAudio library for ESP32 based on the Teensy Audio Library
RadioDSP-DNR-Stm32f407 Public
Audio DSP Processor for shortwave radio receiver with Digital Noise Reduction (Spectral Subtraction), filters and monitor scope (spectrum & waterfall)
RadioDSP-Stm32f103 Public
This project RadioDSP define a experimental open platform to build Real Time filtering and audio digital signal elaboration from a source audio signal in output from radio transceiver or receiver. …
arduino_robotics Public
In this space there are some experimental work in progress robotics projects. In particular, the Rover project defines a stand-alone or remote controlled vehicle equipped with various sensors (PIR,…
Raduino_Multi Public
This is a Arduino based firmware for the BITX40 HF Radio that allow Multi Band Operation.
classloader-leak-prevention Public
Forked from mjiderhamn/classloader-leak-preventionClassLoader leak prevention / protection
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 14, 2017 -
arduino-hamradio-vfo Public
This is an Open Source project to make a VFO to control Direct Conversion Receiver. This has been used to built a simple 0 to 30 MHz All mode DC Receiver. First release available.