A Discord bot for my private and Twitch public guilds (servers). Perhaps others will find it useful as well.
Just follow this link: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=264211144149958657&scope=bot&permissions=0
The link will prompt you to authorize the bot on a server. Once the bot's authorized, you'll see it in the Member List. In a public channel just type any of the commands outlined below and the bot will answer.
/r 1d8 + 4d6
- Roll one octahedron and four hexahedrons.
/r 1d20+5 # Grog attacks
- Roll dice with a comment.
/r 2d6>=5
- Roll two hexahedrons and take only the ones that turned greater or equal to five (aka difficulty check). Prints the number of successes.
/r 4d6=5
- So can this guy roll five?
/r 3d10>=6f1
- oWoD roll: rolling one is a failure, rolling more failures than successes is a botch.
/r 4dF
- Fudge/Fate dice.
/r 3d6!
- Exploding dice.
/r 1d10!>9
- Explode nine and ten.
/r 1d20!1
- Roll twenty, reroll on one (because halflings are lucky).
/r 3d10!>=8
- nWoD roll: tens explode, eights and up are treated like a success.
/r 4d6k3
- Roll four hexahedrons and keep the highest three (D&D 5e ability roll).
/r repeat (4d6k3, 6)
- Roll D&D 5e ability score six times (to generate a new character).
/r 2d20kl1
- Roll twice and keep the lowest roll (D&D 5e disadvantage).
/r (2+2)^2
- Do math.
/r 4d6^2
- Do math with dice.