django database & website for experiment data
- make sure you are running Python 2.7
- install virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper
- make sure you have access to pg_config locally
- then, setup your virtual environment
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute sturnus
- and install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- setup a local development database
- run
./ syncdb --all
to build the database - run
./ migrate --fake
to run the south migrations
- Maintain the core electrophysiology data in a neo-compatible format
- Modularize experimental components
- Make data easily available for analysis in Matlab & Python (& R?)
- data maintained using Django ORM + PostgreSQL database
- utilize Postgres arrays for array data (LFP, spike waveforms, intracellular traces)
- each experimental module developed as a separate Django 'app'
- data available for querying from external services through the Tastypie RESTful API
- data overview & exploration through django admin interface