RESTerville is a cloud-native data automation software which has been developed specifically for geospatial workflows. Development and licensing of the initial offering is currently wrapping up. Once complete, this brand new toolkit will be made public and open source forever. Our committment to you is that all features, once tested vetted by the developer community, will be made available to everyone -- without any hidden costs or premium versions. Open source software is the foundation of what we've built in RESTerville. As such, we want to share what has helped us so that it may in turn help you!
Once we complete feature testing, we'll make the repository publicly accessible and create training videos. They'll be free for you to use for as long as you need it. It's our gift to you.
git clone
cp .env-template .env
nano .env
docker build -t resterville .
Run the container, adding in postgresql connection strings (shown here as environment variables) and credentials (shown here as volumes) as needed
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --env-file ./env/.env
-e PG_CONNECTION="dbname='my_db' user='viewer' host='localhost' port='5432' password='super!secret';dbname='my_db2' user='superuser_1' host='localhost' port='5432' password='superb!secret'"
-v /home/linux_user/resterville/env/credentials.json:/app/env/credentials.json
Create a Project...
Step 1. Go to cloud storage Step 2. Name, region preference, etc. (I generally just add a name like "agol_backups" and keep defaults) Step 3. Do NOT enforce public access prevention (gives option to share things publicly as desired)
Step 4. Go to IAM & Admin Step 5. Service Accounts > Create Service Account Step 6. Service Account Name: bucket-admin Step 7. Assign roles to bucket-admin service account: Storage Admin, Storage Folder Admin, Storage Object Admin, Storage Object Viewer Step 8. Click on service account > keys > add key > json (downloads to your computer)
Step 9. If needed, add API Step 10. Create secret (give it a name) Step 11. Upload recently-created json file (see step 5 above) Step 12. Create Secret
Step 13. Activate cloud shell and run the following commands (change region and project name as appropriate)
docker pull geoace/resterville:latest
docker tag geoace/resterville:latest
docker push
Step 14. Create Service Step 15. Select "Artifact Registry" radio button Step 16. Press the "Select" button and navigate to your newly-pushed container in the docker registry Step 17. Fill out region, authentication, allocation, etc. NOTE: We recommend at least 4 GB memory and 2 CPUs (scale up if moving very large data volumes) Step 18. Variables should be filled out according to what tools you plan on using. For ArcGIS workflows, ensure ARCGIS_CLIENT_ID, ARCGIS_PORTAL_URL, ARCGIS_CLIENT_SECRET, ARCGIS_PASSWORD, and ARCGIS_USER are set (if ARCGIS_PORTAL_URL is left blank, it will default to If using postgresql, then fill out PG_CONNECTION information (see documentation for format). If backing up to a GCP Bucket, then ensure GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS are mounted to app/secrets (see photos). When using the BUCKET variable on setup, all Bucket-related workflows will default to the provided bucket when the optional parameter is not provided. API-KEY will be the passcode required to request workflows from the server, so keep it safe! We recommend storing all sensitive information in secret manager. Step 19. Deploy and visit the GCP-provided HTTPS URL. If you see the RESTerville logo, you're good to go!
See API Documentation at
There are jupyter notebook "body builder" help documents here which help construct POST bodies:
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.
- ArcGIS API for Python: This project uses the ArcGIS API for Python, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See for more details.
- Google Cloud Components: This project incorporates work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. See for more details.
- Google Cloud Components: This project uses code or data provided by Google, available at